death cn go die

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yeah it's a treee, one in the system of trees that we call life. pollen is too much in the air bbut i need it to survive. it's how we are reborn. POLLEN in the air? im allergic to my own destiny. my body téls me no but my heart tells me "i'm being impaled please don't walk any further"

but death isn't something you just  use as an excuse to get out of duty. when you lose the game of life, you fall all the way down the tree to start over. right out the branches. kablunko. that's what happened to me. several times. i never let bodily death stop my mind from figuring out ways to keep it
together. i've acquired the knowledge only humanly possible in 2000 years in as short a time as 55. i ffeel omnipresent, yet im Still learning all abvout the world.

i've eaten nothing but tree bark ever since my mom had me and dropped me off her pathetically low branch. at age 2 i learned the ways of the tree. my parents both died from ignorance and didnot know how to start again, and i was left to fend for myself. Mother Nature raised me. Urban Dictionary educatd me. redwood trunks surround me, and they as hard as possible to bow down to me. they have not scratched me. my body isn't alive, yet my resilience is all i need.

my name is jennifer tomatosalad. i will never finish.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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