500 Votes

921 11 24

Yo, Futuralist here.

Holy hell, 500 votes. (And another 10k reads, y'all really love reading this book).

Thank you ETGxReaper for helping this book to accomplish this milestone.

For those wondering where I've been for 3 months.

I was on a short hiatus from lack of writing motivation (mostly due to me being on university holidays).

But I'm here to say that I'm back from hiatus (because university is starting again, strange how my mindset works). With the next one shot coming out hopefully next week.

Thank you all for all the support and attention you all gave to this book.

Let's hope for a good year ahead of us, and the games that will come out.

For me, Dreams for PS4 is something I'm very looking forward to this year, wonder what it is you all are looking forward too.

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