Slave For You

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Damon walked down the dimly lit corridor to his father's room. His younger brother, Stefan informed him that their father needed help with an odd job. It would be wrong to say Damon was giddy to be ordered to do the Old Man's dirty work, yet again. Both boys were tired of being pushed around by their father and his war against the Mikealson's.

This all started when Stefan was betrothed to their whore of a daughter Rebekah. The girl made her way through every noble vampire in Mystic Falls before Stefan could get the ring on her finger. Damon felt bad for his saintly little brother. He honestly didn't deserve to have his heart broken like that. However, Damon always cautioned Stefan about girls and love.

"How would you know anything about love you have no heart?" Stefan asked as the waited to be called into their father's private office, as if his other three weren't enough.

"I'm your older brother I know everything," Damon said with his signature smug smile. Damon didn't like to brag, but he did know a little more than he let on, especially about love, and crazy bitches. Damon loved a crazy bitch once. Her name was Katherine and she was betrothed to Klaus Mikealson. She not only toyed with Damon and Klaus, but she wedged a dived between Klaus and his brother Elijah.

"You still haven't learned how to deal with father," Stefan teased.

"I leave that to you and his plethora of concubines," Damon said noting the change in Stefan's face.

"Boys," a young maiden smiled as she walked pass the brothers.

"She's just adorable," Damon said patting his brother on the back and entering the room together.

"My son's," Giuseppe said with open arms hugging and kissing his boys.

"I beat she blew," Damon whispered to Stefan getting a laugh from his brother before he embraced Satan.

"I'd mind my tongue if I were you," Giuseppe warned Damon.

"That's what she said," Damon said wiggling his eyebrows and causing his brother to snicker.

"Maybe if you were more mature you'd be married and out of my house by now," their father smiled.

"I'm sure," Damon said having a seat in his favorite leather armchair by the drink cart. Say what you could about the Old man, but he did know a good drink. Damon poured a glass of his favorite mixer, bourbon and Egyptian virgin aged to perfection.

"I'm not going to tell you again to mind your tongue," their father yelled. Stefan gave Damon the look.

"So father what is it you need of us?" Stefan said trying to bring peace to the room. As vampires everything they did was multiplied and a family fight wasn't just a simple family spat. Well at least not in the Salvatore home.

"You two are going to protect a Princess," Giuseppe said. "She is betrothed to Tyler Loockwood"-

"She's a werewolf. Wow, I've underestimated how much you hated the Mikealsons," Stefan said making Damon proud.

"The girl knows a very powerful witch and the goal is to get the witch on our side," he smiled at his sons.

"Have fun babysitting the witch," Damon said sure his father wasn't going to give the most important job to him.

"Sorry son, but you'll be looking after the girls. Stefan you are to keep Tyler and his friends Matt and Jeremy entertained during their stay. Is that understood?" he asked giving his sons looks of finality.

Damon stood and stormed out of the room. After a moment he heard Stefan chasing after him. "Damon what the hell you're acting like he asked the world of you. All you have to do is befriend a witch, how hard can that be?"

"Stefan there are things about your old man you don't know, and things about me I don't want you to know," Damon said as a servant human helped him into his leather jacket and another opened the door and bowed to him.

Bonnie was tired of wandering around because her friends refused to ask for directions to the Salvatore's home. Bonnie walked into a shady looking pub and asked the first guy she saw. He was drunk off his rocker and wouldn't keep his coarse hands off of her. Bonnie tried a few more people but they were of no help too. She was beyond upset at all the men for trying to fuck her, and all the women for being jealous bitches.

"Your anger isn't helping your situation," Damon said throwing back a shot. "It'll just make them chase you more. There's nothing like hot-drunken-angery sex with a witch."

"Excuse me?" Bonnie said not liking how bluntly he was talking to her.

"What?" he asked looking at her.

"I'm a lady you shouldn't speak so crudely you son of a bitch. Who taught you manners?"

Damon smiled. She was something else. "I'm sorry Princess," he said calling the waiter over. "Get the Princess a shot of this."

"I don't drink," Bonnie said raising a brow.

Damon loved a girl with sass and little Bonnie had a wealth of it. "You'll like it," he said giving the tinny glass. Bonnie took it and put it to her lips. "Wait here," he said taking her hand and licking it. Damon never once took his eyes off of hers. He was working his slow seduction and not getting and protest from the young witch. Damon sprinkled salt where he had licked. "You lick the salt, take the shot, than follow it with this," he smiled holding the lime wedge. "What are you waiting for?"

"I'm not going to lick were you did it's not very hygienic," Bonnie said looking at him as if he were some crazy homeless person.

"I'm a vampire I"-

"My point exactly how safe is it to go around drink blood from random people," she smiled.

"You're stalling aren't you Princess?" Damon smiled at her.

"I don't drink," she shrugged.

"You might if you give it a try," he smiled at her. Bonnie licked her hand and desperately needed to get the salt off her tongue so she took the shot. When she went to grab the lime Damon put it to her lips, and she sucked from it. "How was it?" Damon smiled as he wiped lime juice from the corner of her mouth.

"Better than I expected," she smiled.

"I'm glad I could help," Damon smiled.

"Bonnie Bennett we've been sitting in that car for al"- Caroline yelled until she noticed the guy Bonnie was with. "Why didn't you come tell us you found Damon?" she demanded.

"You're Damon Salvatore?" Bonnie asked feeling fear move through her stomach.

"Yes, and you're Bonnie Bennett," he smiled.

"I'm Caroline Forbes," she said giving Bonnie an approving smile. Bonnie's eyes widened when she noted the look on Caroline's face, and she moved a little farther from Damon.

"We got lost going to your place," Bonnie said standing next to Caroline.

"Oh, I could show you guys the way. My car's in the back I'll bring it out front," Damon said going to the door.

"He wants to fuck you silly," Caroline smiled at Bonnie.

"Shut up and go to the car," Bonnie ordered as she pulled Caroline out the door.

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