Jakarta, 2014

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Jace walked through the street, see if there is any dead body left. He was searching for Alec, whose just agreed to join the mission literally five minutes before they go. Alec had a good reason to not to go, he must take care of his sons, but Magnus called Catarina earlier, to babysit them, so Alec could join the mission. Magnus came with them, of course, for the portal. He was nowhere to be seen, Jace already looked every places than Alec might go. When he was kicking some broken bricks, Clary shouted out Jace's name. Then Jace immediately ran to Clary. She was holding a baby, a girl baby. Her mother laying unconsciously. Clary sobbered, Jace knows Clary wants to have that baby so much. He said they can have it, though they still had to take care of their twins babies in Institute.

"Alexander Lightwood! Where are you big bastard?" shouted Jace. He could not find him, and he did not know if there are still bunch of demons. "He is at the Institute, Jace." Clary pointed out the old Cathedral. Jace made a big "oh" with his mouth, and raising his eyebrows. "Well, should we get in there, too?" Jace offer his hand to Clary to help her get up, while holding the baby. Jace asked Clary if he can hold the baby. "Of course you can, silly. You are gonna be her dad, remember?" Clary gave the baby to Jace. She is beautiful, he thoughts. Indonesian were so many race, Chinese, Arabic, Negroid, Half-Dutch, and many more. He could not tell what race the baby is. Magnus's mom was Indigenous, a native. And warlock did not inherit their demon parent's physical appearance. Surely this baby will kind of look alike Magnus. Well, except the cat eyes. Jace smiled at his own thoughts, what a ridiculous thing to think. They finally stepped the Institute, it was a beautiful Cathedral. Alec was stood in the middle of the hall, holding a baby. "Two babies, at the same day. Guess New York Institute's gonna be a daycare" said Magnus, came from nowhere. "Should we go home, now? There was only three Nephilim left, the alive ones. I sent them to Bali Institute." Clary seems pretty tired, Joe and Carla woke up every two hours last night. "Yeah, we should go home. Izzy's texted me that the twins did not stop crying" said Clary. Magnus opened the portal, and they arrived at New York Institute less than three seconds.

New Yok Institute, this place have always been Jace's home. He stills remember how it felt when the first time he came here. And sometimes he feels happy about choosing Alec as his parabatai, he did not regret it at all. Wait, he always feel happy about that choice. This institute is no older than the one in London, but still old. Jace is now the Head of Institute, along with Clary. And their kids did not have to studying at the Academy, Jace can just call a tutor to teach them. Jace steps in to the drawer room, then he realize he forgot to extinguish the fireplace, "oh, shit." He grabs the nearest glass with some water in it to shut the fire off. Then he wipes his not-that-wet forehead. Someone knocked the door, "Jace, are you here?" it's Clary's voice. "Oh yeah, come in" said Jace. Clary entered the room, "you look so... panic. What happened?" ask her. "Nothing, just some fire problem, but its done. Are the twins asleep?" he changed the subject. Clary nodded, "you could kiss them good night, after changing your clothes." Jace walked to his bedroom, and Clary stayed at the drawer room, because she had to report today's attack to the Clave.


Alec steps in to Magnus's apartment—well, it's their apartment now. Rafael came to Alec and hugged him, "dad!" he shouted. "Hey, my Rafe. How are you?" asked Alec. Rafael nodded, "I'm okay, dad." Alec looked around their place, there is no sign of Magnus. "Where's your papa, Rafe?" asked Alec again. Rafael pointed out their kitchen, "Mr. Jem and Mrs. Tessa made a visit, they also bring their baby." Rafael looked at the baby in Alec's arm. "Who's him, dad?" he asked. "C'mon, let's go to the kitchen." Alec walked to their kitchen, Rafael was already gone, he ran so fast. Rafe is seven years old, but he refused to train at the institute. Well, he got the point, there's no child his age at the instate, and Alec could train him.

"Alexander, sorry I left you behind. I almost forgot that Tessa and Jem want to come" said Magnus. "It's okay." Alec put the baby on dinner's table, and then Jem asked, "whose baby is that?" Jem came to the baby. "You want to take care of him, Jem?" Alec asked directly. Jem shook his head, "I don't think so, Alec. We've got one teenager, and a baby. Tessa must be—," Tessa interrupts. "We're taking the baby. Our baby needs a friend, Jem. How could a baby only grow up with their teen brother, age gap is a thing." Tessa holds the baby. Tessa said she wants to name that baby Matthew, after her first son's parabatai. "Tessa, Kit had been calling you since twelve missed call ago," said Magnus and gave Tessa her phone. Magnus set the portal immediately, while Tessa called Kit back, and Jem picked up his other baby. "Well, I guess we should leave, now. Kit's lost his Latin book, said he could not find it," Tessa giggled. "See you later, Magnus. Alec, Rafe, and Max."


She needs to consume Angel's blood once a week, said Brother Enoch. "She can use mine, right?" asked Jace. Yes, answer Brother Enoch. Use injection, call the Brothers if you need help. "Thank you, Brother Enoch," said Clary. Then Brother Enoch left the institute. "Clary, we should give her a name." Jace said. "Aria." Clary said briefly. "Clary, I think I saw the name 'Linette' in Herondale's family tree. Can we named her Linette?" pleadse Jace. "Aria Linette Herondale," said Clary. "Alright. Aria Linette Herondale." Told Jace. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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