Part 6 Quran: Original mushafs

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Some of these first seven mushafs have disappeared over time. Today, in Topkapi Palace and the Museum of Turkish-Islamic Arts in Istanbul, there are mushafs from Usman and Ali's (ra) period. One of them was handwritten by Usman (ra), and the other two by Ali (ra).
A newly opened museum in Mecca also features verses of the Quran written on bones and stones. The verses written on rocks and stones in the seventh century in Arabia have also survived to the present day.
Other mushafs belonging to the first period of Islam are displayed in Al-Hussein Mosque in Cairo, the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris, the British Library in London, Hast Imam Library in Tashkent and other museums.
While the copy in Egypt was in the Mosque of Amr ibn al-Aas, it was presented to Ottoman Sultan Selim II and brought to Topkapi Palace after the conquest of Egypt.
Some claim that this is in fact the copy from Medina and that the last survivor of the Abbasid family took it with him while escaping to Egypt from the Mongol massacre. It is said that due to a blood-like stain on it, this is the mushaf that Usman (ra) read while he was martyred.

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