Chapter 1

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Castiel POV

First day of school. Yay... I'm so excited... (Am I doing this whole sarcasm thing right?) I've never been to public school so my 'people skills' are a little 'rusty'.

I pack my school bag and head out the door. I don't really feel the need for breakfast, at least not this morning, because my nerves are so high I would probably get sick.

School is about a forty minute walk from my house and since I don't have a car or a bus stop near me walking is my only option. Though I don't mind. Today is a beautiful, crisp, fall day and the leaves are just turning orange and brown. It's raining slightly but luckily I have my trench coat. I always have my trench coat. I continue to walk, I hear a clap of thunder and the rain grows slightly heavier. I see a car slow down out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey. Need a ride? Are you going to the high school?" I hear a rustic voice call.

"Um... I'm fine... I think I can walk." I say without looking back.

"Buddy, it's gonna start pouring any second and school starts in twenty minutes. Plus, I'm trying to be a good samaritan." I can almost hear a smile in his voice at that last part. I turn around to look at him and I'm automatically focused on those beautiful, gleaming, green eyes.

"Okay... I guess... If it's no trouble..." I smile awkwardly and get in the passenger side of his Impala. Quickly closing the door behind me, to lock out the cool rain.

"Not a problem. I'm Dean, by the way." he says and I try not to look him in the eyes, afraid of falling into a trance once more. But I fail.

"I'm Castiel" I smile

"Nice to meet you Cas." he says, his green eyes pouring into my blue ones. He adorably licks and bits his bottom lip. I look down and mouth 'Cas'. I've never gone by anything other then Castiel before. "What? You've never had a nickname?" Dean asks as he pull forward and we make our way to school.

"Actually no. I haven't." I admit "But.. thank you Dean. For the nickname." He laughs so hard at that "I don't understand. What's funny?" I ask confused.

"Nothin' you just don't really thank someone for a nickname. But you're welcome." he explains

"Oh." I say weakly. I can be so naïve sometimes.

"No worries bud. So I'm guessing you're the new kid that just moved in?" he asks

"Yeah. That's me."

"Who do you have? I could show you around if you want. I don't really feel like going to class today anyway." Dean says. I list of my teachers and it turns out that we have a lot of classes together, that made me... happy I guess.

"I would greatly appreciate you showing me around school today." I say

"Awesome." He stares at me for a few seconds while he parks at school. I pick at my trenchcoat trying to avoid eye contact, so that I don't blush. "Why don't you look me in the eyes?" He asks genuinely curious.

"Um... No reason, really. You... J - just have really pretty eyes." I stutter unable to hide my blushing any longer. He looks down with a slight smile on his lips. I open my door and pick up my bag, which I had sitting on the floor of his car. Dean cuts the engine and gets out as well. "Wow" I exclaim. The school is huge and there are so many kids just in the parking lot! I can feel my heartbeat speed up because I'm not much of a people person.

"Let me guess. Home schooled?" Dean asks, though it's not really a question he can already tell. So, I just keep staring at the building. Dean walks around the Impala over to me. "Let's get going. We need passes." He says, throwing his book bag over his right shoulder... a very muscular shoulder if you ask me.

"Why do we need passes?" I ask, tilting my head slightly and confusion.

"Oh. Cas. You've got a lot to learn." He explains, "We need passes. To get out of class. So I can show you around."

"Oh." I managed to squeak out. I looked down and start to fuss with my trenchcoat once again. I was about to apologize for my stupidity just before Dean placed his hand under my chin and raised my face to his.

"Let's get inside, Blue Eyes." he says shooting me the most adorable smile I have ever seen. He stands there looking at me with his hand on my chin before looking at the ground with a sheepish smile and blush creeping onto his face. "Uh... Yeah. Let's get inside before the storm hits." Dean says, hesitantly lowering his hand from my face.


I know this is a short chaper but I just wanted to see what you guys thought. I think that I'll update at the end of the week if I get a few reads or votes or comments....

Thanks for reading:) See you then.

Blue Eyes (Destiel high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now