Chapter 3

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Dean's POV

Once Cas is out of sight I slowly walk back into the school and head for the locker rooms. I open the door, and even though no one has been in this locker room yet today it still smells like shit. A mix between sweaty boys and gallons of AXE cologne is soaked into the walls of this room. Speedwalking over to my locker, I try to breath through my mouth and as little as possible. I turn my combination and grab my uniform. I strip down and throw on my baseball uniform and sprint out the door. I gulp in a breath and put my hands on my knees, just as I see Ash walk down the hall.

"Good luck Bud, it still smells gross in there." I say smiling. Ash is the second best player on the team. After me of course.

"Awesome." He laughs opening the door. "I didn't even know you were here today. You weren't in class."

"Yeah. I was showing a new kid around."

"Hot chick?" Ash smirks.

"Nah. A guy named Castiel." I say.

"Seems out of character for you Dean." He says jokingly.

"Just tryin' to be a good samaritan." I say attempting to hide the sudden nerves in my voice.

"Okay..." He smirks walking into locker room.

I head back out to the field. I'm suprised they didn't cancel practice today. It's way too muddy out. But, whatever. I sit under the bleachers, where me and Cas had just spent the last hour or so just talking. I look at my phone in hopes of seeing a text from him, though he only left litterally ten minutes ago, so there is no way he'd be back yet. I wish I gave him a ride. We would have had more time to talk.

I decided to run a few laps while I wait for my team. I run seven before I see Ash and the rest of the team pour onto the field. "Took you long enough." I say punching Ash friendly on the arm.

"Yeah. Yeah Winchester." Ash smirks returning the punch.

"Crowley show?" I ask. He never shows up to practice but coach doesn't want to cut him. I'm not sure why though. He's an ass.

"Yeah. For once. He's still in the locker room."

"Great." I grunt.

The rest of the team starts to run a couple laps then we begin stretches before Crowley finally emerges from the school so we can start practice.

"Hustle Crowley!" Coach shouts. Crowley just keeps walking and finally makes it to the field. "You showed?" Coach says unamused.

"I'm here aren't I?" Crowley responds. Then we start practice. Finally.


Me and the team are heading inside for showers making small talk, when Crowley speaks up, "Did you guys see that Fag today?" We all stop in our tracks clearly unamused by Crowley's homophobic remark.

"What are you talking about?" Ash asks

"The new kid. Dean... I saw you hanging with that gay boy today." He says

"First off, he's not gay. Second, it's hard enough being the new kid so just leave him alone." I snap

"Oh. What is it Deano? Falling for the Fag huh?" he laughs and a couple of my team mates laugh along. I feel like I was just stabbed in the back because of that. But, me and Ash aren't laughing.

"Shut up Bitch." I say storming into the locker rooms. The rest of the team walks in slowly but Ash runs after me.

"Hey. Bro. Crowley's just being an asshole. But good for you for standing up for Castiel. I bet the kid would appreciate it." Ash says, still catching his breath.

"Crowley better not give him a hard time." I say looking ahead.

"It's just him trying to act tough. I don't think he'd say it to his face... But Dean?"

"Yeah?" I reply, confused by Ash's sudden change in tone.

"If you did... Ya know... like guys. I wouldn't think different about you." He says sincerely.

Does Ash know? I ask myself.

"I'm not gay." I snap at him.

"Okay. Okay. I was just saying." Ash states, putting his hands up in defeat.

I jump in the shower just as the rest of the team heads into the locker room. I rinse off as fast as possible because I just want to get away from these jerks (Other than Ash). I throw on my clothes not really taking enough time to dry, so my T-shirt clings to my still damp skin. I grab my bag and phone heading out the door. Making sure to shoot a glare at Crowley on my way out.

I head straight for my Impala. I open the driver side door and start the engine. I look over at the passenger seat of the car, where Cas had been just a few hours ago. Why do I care so much about this kid? I ask myself. Then I remember that I Cas might have texted me. I quickly reach for my phone. One text that reads,

Made it home okay. By the way, thanks for making my day 10x better then I ever could have hoped it would be. See you tomorrow:) -Cas

I don't know why but I get the biggest smile when I read that text. I reply with,

Kinda short notice but it's only five so I was wondering if you wanted to maybe meet up at the park? -Dean

It only takes about two minutes for a reply.

I'd love to. Is five thirty okay? -Cas

See you then. -Dean

I really shouldn't be hanging around with Cas. I think... I might be falling for him. But I can't help myself, I needed to see those perfect blue eyes again.


Thanks for reading this chapter:)

Who knows maybe I will update tomorrow. (But no promises haha)

If you guys are feeling super spectacular I would love some reads, comments, or votes... •-•

Have a good day my Hunters💕

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