Chapter seven

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The day for Y/n went by pretty fast to say the least there weren't that many customers who had a stick in their ass and asked to see the manager. And of course there is Brian he left the cafe after drinking his coffee but he promised to write me when he could since apparently his phone was being repaired. Y/n was walking back home pretty exhausted the day was good but she took extra hours for more money and ended up working a bit more than usual. While walking she felt light headed and her head was spinning of course she hasn't eaten anything for three days and haven't had any sleep so she didn't expect to feel amazing but this was extreme she felt like she could faint any second and since she was walking on the pavement it wouldn't turn out well if she fainted and fell on the road she didn't want to die that way.

Walking home she passed by the park and of course she saw Tim and... and... she forgot his name J..J ugh nevermind. She saw the two boys hanging out next to a car. Do they live here? Y/n chuckled and walked by them only for her feet to get caught up on each other and she started to feel super super light headed she felt her body hit the cement underneath and she was out just like that.

*POV change*
*Tim's POV *

He saw Y/n walking by he saw her almost every day but today she was walking very weirdly swaying back and forth Tim thought she was drunk but he didn't approach her seeing how she was uncomfortable talking to him earlier. Tim continued to talk to Jay about hoodie when all of a sudden they heard a big thump they turned around to see a passed out Y/n.
"Oh shit. Oh shit oh shit" Tim said running over to the s/c girl and bending down checking if she was breathing or not
"Uhh what do we do?" Jay asked walking over next to Y/n
"Do i look like I know?" Tim said calmly but inside he was freaking out
"Should we check her phone maybe we could call someone maybe her parents?" Jay said
"No no that's a bad idea" Tim shook his head
"What why?" He looked at Tim in confusion
"Maybe someone else like a friend but not her parents just trust me on this one"
"You seem to know her well" Jay said looking through her pockets for a phone
"You should too" Tim grabbed her backpack looking through it
"What do you mean? I saw her in tapes but she didn't seem to be close to us"
"Fuck this amnesia bullshit. I remember her I remember so much that we did together but I can't remember simple stuff like-"
"Yeah I know" Jay said knowingly
"How about this may this work?" Tim asked turning Y/n over so she payed on her back and started to slap her
"What are you doing??"
"Y/n wake up!"
"Oh" Jay continued to look though her pockets then found a phone only to find out its locked " um Tim its um locked"
"Oh fuck me!" Tim started to shake the h/c girl pretty violently "wake the fuck up!"

The girl started to wake up looking up at the boys her e/c eyes widened and she quickly covered up her face
"Ah!" Y/n yelled and Tim started to feel guilty
"Hey it's alright you passed out we only tried to wake you up" Jay said trying to calm the girl but Y/n didn't talk just shook violently which only made Tim feel worse and worse
"Umm Y/n I'm sorry for not telling you how I know you but.. we were friends we filmed this movie together marble hornets. Please don't think I'm a creep if you don't believe me I've got t-t-tapes that we filmed together and I hope you'll remember us" Tim said putting his hand on Y/n shoulder she only flinched but started to calm down
"I remember " she said in a quiet voice "but who knows my best friend may have been a creep" she started laughing and Tim joined her standing up and giving Y/n his hand. Y/n took a second before taking it and standing up brushing off the dirt of her pants.

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