oneshot : you're such a baby for someone your size

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i think i love you ,
oh my god ! why ?

in which jungkook loves his noona
and likes to be babied by her.
college! au.

(i just need baby boy jungkook, ok. )

                     "Noona ! noona !!" A  waddling feet ran up to me and my girls down our university hall

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                     "Noona ! noona !!" A  waddling feet ran up to me and my girls down our university hall.

"What's up, Kook." I brushed the hair that was covering half of my face away and swatted my other hand away, signalling the girls to go ahead.

"I was wondering if-" He pushed his index finger together while his eyes was at his feet. I went closer to look at his face and he looked slightly red.

"You look sick." I touch his forehead lightly and he backed away from me.

"Ahh- Noo !!" He backed away and bumped into Jennie causing the later to fall to her bum.

"Ouch !" Jungkook just bowed slightly and rambles sorry towards Jennie and ran out of the building. I helped Jennie picked up her books while her boyfriend helped her to her feet.

"What's up with him anyway," I muttered towards Taehyung in particular. "Don't mind him. He just has the biggest cr- Ooww, Jendeuk ! Don't step on me with your Chanel boots."

"What my lousy baby Taehyung meant is that he just has the biggest craving with umm banana milk now and he really needs them or else he will go insane." She muttered a laugh.

"Don't worry too much about him babe," She patted my shoulders and grabbed Taehyung's hand as they walk side by side.

"Shush, I know you want to help him but let him be a man and tell her himself." 

I hear Jennie whispered to Taehyung while nudging his sides. I knew the 'her' she meant was me and the him was Jungkook but I don't know what he wants to tell me.

I was sitting nearby the windows in class when the rowdy noises from outside bothers me. It was Jungkook and he was playing basketball with a senior named Yoongi.

He was all bright and smiles and there were noticeable groups of girls, gushing over him. He's such a popular freshman. I chuckled lightly and continued to focus in my studies.

                    It was around 2 am at Wednesday night when Jungkook called me and he was full of sniffles. I agreed with him to meet up at the nearby park.

I didn't bother to change my short pants and just grabbed an oversized hoodie to cover up my tank top.

I ran towards the park since it was really a short walk from our neighbourhood. When I went closer to the swings, he immediately ran to me and hugged me.

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