Another Problem, Really?

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Note: Guys I knows it has been a few days since I last updated but I've been having to care for sick family. So I hope you guys aren't upset.

Morning was on the horizon, in Calliopes room, Atreus was woken up by a beautiful Melody, Calliope was playing her flute composing the first song she ever made.

"Wow Calliope that's an impressive song." Atreus says with a yawn commenting her song then smiles at her.

"Thank you Atreus." Calliope says with a smile on her face as well.

"Well we should get up and have some breakfast, need to keep our strength for a next attack if there will ever be another one." Atreus says while getting up and putting on his fur uniform and Calliope did the same with her battle uniform.

Y-n sits at the table about to be sick as the sight of food, Lysandra passes her a cup of mint tea. The mint tea Breakfast went well for the children, then they headed outside to train for a while. Clashing their swords again, blocking eachothers attacks with their own shields. Then after for a moment Atreus stops and began to remember what happened late night. During this time y-n sat nearby she lullied a tune that she recalls in Greek to sing for the time of great worry.

(The song above is called The Sky And The Dawn And The Sun by Cletic Women. Lyrics are below.)

High is the moon tonight
Hiding it's guiding light, high
Heaven and earth do sleep, still in the dark so deep
I will the darkness sweep

I will the moon to flight, I will the heaven's bright
I will the earth to light
Open your eyes with me, see paradise with me
Awake and arise with me

Calliope Atreus Lysandra and Kratos listen to the h-c girl's voice as she works to finsh the dress she had started. Atreus tells his father and his frist family that y-n does sing when her mind wandered or if someone needs to be cheered up. Y-n's hair blows out in front of her as the wind blows through the fields all around. She smiles as her focus doesn't leave her work while she intently keeps on task.

I am the dawn, I'm the new day begun
I bring you the morning, I bring you the sun
I hold back the night and I open the skies
I give light to the world, I give sight to your eyes

From the first of all time, until time is undone
Forever and ever and ever and ever
And I am the dawn and the sky and the sun
I am one with the one and I am the dawn

I am the sky and the dawn and the sun
I am the sky and the new day begun
I am the sky and the dawn and the sun

The three saw the overlapping scars that resembled claws, (you dear reader are wearing a Spartan dress) on y-n's back sides and front as if the scars wrapped around her middle. Y-n knew that Kratos and his first family saw her scars but didn't mind for she had no reason to hide anymore. Suddenly she felt her stomach turn upside down and she turned herself to the left so she wouldn't vomit on the stairs. Lysandra held a hand and said that it would be best for y-n to see the queen about her stomachaches.

The two left with Calliope staying with the boys to train. Y-n knew her magic could be unpredictable and her being pregnant was one cause of Failsafe Magic. She was happy yet fearful, she wasn't truly married to Atreus and knew that he still had to ask her. Knowing that boy he would more than likely ask her at one of the worst times.

Sure he did panic as say things that weren't always true but that was forgivable since he got nervious and panicked easily. Y-n didn't want her mate to leave her and hate her to the point her wouldn't even look at her. Lysandra felt y-n's fear and reassured the young girl everything will work out for the best. After Queen Gorgo examined the young weaver the thruth came to light y-n was 8 and half moons through being pregnant. However the signs had been delayed due to the traveling and limited food the couple had to put up with.

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