Chapter Three

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    When your whole life gets uprooted and turned upside down how would you react? You should probably assume you would be going insane with emotions. Or you could be like Teghan, being overjoyed that you altered your own DNA.
     Ever since discovering their powers the group continually avoided Teghans occasional questions. In secret they practiced with their powers, so Robin, after having practiced to control with her newfound abilities, carefully went back to work at Camelot Gardens. Tasha learned that only when using her powered on tablet could she use her powers. They still remained secretive about their abilities. Especially to one another. Teghan however, contemplated revealing her powers to the world. She hadn't thought about it when she had been making the serum, but now that she had successfully done it she kept thinking about what to do next. Now she just sat in front of the tv, her mind flipping through options. "Teghan!" Her mom yelled from downstairs. "We have to go pick up your sister from soccer! Come down!" Teghan sighed and turned off the tv and dragged her feet down stairs. She got into the passenger seat of the car with a frown painted across her face. Her mother plopped into the front seat. She pulled the car out and began driving. Teghan looked outside the dark window into the bright sunset. Bright colors filled the sky. They drove down a winding road that led them into town. They were silent up until they passed the remodeled Science museum. It once was an abandoned studio with large windows, but had now transformed into a modern age museum. It had a large banner announcing its grand opening and reveal of a secretive exhibit that a limited few actually knew about. Teghans mom nudged her with her elbow. "We should go to that!" She said enthusiastically. Teghan nodded her mind brimming on the idea of a plan.

  A week passed and the night of the grand opening had finally come. Teghans house was buzzing with activity as she got dressed. The attire was formal, so teghan slipped on a long navy dress. She braided her hair into a simple plait before leaving for the opening. She bustled with excitement as they drove to the museum. She couldn't wait to see what the hidden exhibit was. Teghan practically ran inside the museum. Her mother followed behind with her younger sister. Inside was lit with spiraling lights that looked like ribbons dancing across the wooden ceiling. The exposed beams combined with the large windows gave offs very rustic but futuristic look. Teghan went around admiring different exhibits until she spotted a large group of people gathered around a makeshift stage that had been set up in the back of the museum. A large curtain covered a large item onstage. She made her way over and looked in curiosity at the exhibition. A man in a suit climbed on stage. "Thank you all for coming this evening. My name is Raymond, and I am the proud owner of this fine establishment." He added in a fake laugh that made Teghan roll her eyes. "But you all didn't come here to see me. You came here for this!" He said gesturing dramatically to the concealed object, causing the crowd to burst into applause. Once the crowd silenced Raymond continued. "This artifact, once thought to be lost to the sands of time, has been restored to the very letter. Written in the hand of Alexander Fleming himself," he dramatically raised his hands to the curtain and threw it off revealing a framed bill print of some sort of device."This may not look like much, but this technology, is capable of things none of you could even imagine. This can alter the human consciousness! The very chemical make up of our brains can be altered, improved, even rebuilt!" The audience erupted with applause. "You May be thinking, why has this not been built? Well as of today there is no person or system that is capable of powering it. Not unless you can vibrate your atoms!" He said with a laugh. "So as of today, we are protecting and preserving the blueprints , and maybe in the future we can make this neurological instrument." He paused for a second. "I leave you to your browsing now, feel free to look at everything you want!" Raymond stepped off the stage and walked over to a group of people near the side. Teghan was gaping at the blueprints. One thing ran through her mind. 'I can power that... my powers.." she knew she needed to get her hands on those blue prints.

"Good show ray!" Said a rather old man in a suit. He walked alongside Raymond. "Thanks Elliot, but I feel like I shouldn't leave the place. If some one broke in..." Raymond ran his fingers through his hair as he looked back into the museum he had worked so hard for. "Relaaaax! We have the state of the art security on this baby! No one is getting past these alarms." Elliot led Raymond out of the building wobbling a little from the one to many glasses of champagne he had drunk. Teghan however crouched in a bush. She had snuck out of her bedroom window, dressed head to toe in black. She had a bandanna covering the better part of her face. As soon as she saw Elliot drive off with Raymond she took a deep breath and put her hands on the textured wood of the building. She focused on her every movement and she felt her hands slide through the wall like butter. Her whole body absorbed through the wall before she made it inside the building. The museum looked different and almost sinister without its dazzling lights. Teghan took a ginger step forward. Heading towards the exhibit, she searched for cameras. Her heart pounded out of her chest as she neared it. She had never stolen anything before, but she needed to get those prints. She finally neared it and ran her gloved hand against the smooth glass of the frame. It was a lot smaller now that she was closer to it. She lifted it off the hinges, but nearly dropped it when a loud alarm rang out. Spotlights flooded the museum as the alarm blared. She hadn't had the slightest idea how she triggered it but she ran. She ran as fast as she could for the wall leading outside. She didn't account for vibrating with the frame, but she didn't have time to think. She moved her whole body, but felt her energy drain as she pulled the picture through the wall. It barely made it through. She felt as though she had just run a marathon but she knew she needed to leave, so she ran. Teghan barely made it into the wooded part of the area when she heard sirens ringing near by. She wove through the wooded area that she had memorized from walking to and from school. She made it to her house. Teghans walked over to a shed they didn't hardly use. She tucked the paper behind an old painting sheet. She couldn't believe she had actually just stole something. She felt very exhilarated but also proud of herself. She grinned before leaving the little shed and stepping back though her bedroom window.

She didn't know it then but this was only the beginning to her deeds. This one action would spark many in the future.

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