heheheh get way from me

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After the whole fiasco in his office you snatched the feather away from him and flew to the roof " That was so dumb y/n ugh I hate myself " You summoned your wigs and flee on top of a cloud the only cloud in the sky if someone was on the roof they would see you perfectly you start to sing

A tear runs down your cheek as you hold the last white feather the feather can heal someone or something only once then they live as long as you if the feather heals them you are linked body, soul and mind you hear a gust of wind behind you you see blackhat and you wipe your tears away he keeps hovering there his wings like a dragons " How dose it feel? "  You gave him a look of confusion " Being on a cloud?" You smile you stood up and held out your hand he cringed " I'm not touching you" You rolled your eyes and grabbed his arm and set him on the cloud " It's calming I kinda miss it but I'll never go back and im glad I feel free that thing they call god is just a bastered " You feel a ping in your heart you can't have feelings for him not yet your eyes feel heavy you forgot you haven't eaten in awhile you start to drop your wings not working with how tired you are you feel two strong arms lift you up " when you awake I'll make dinner"

Time skip

You wake up with a headache you get out of the bed you were in when you first arrived you walk out of the room down the hall to find the kitchen and living room blackhat was at the stove in his red shirt and pants his tie was loose looks like he was trying to get it off his sleeves were above his elbows his skin looked soft and his hat was titled he looked focused on the food (which smelled awesome) you walk over to him he doesn't notice you grab his shoulders he looks suprised you don't look at his face take off his tie and fix his hat you gave a sweet smile " there better " you walk away with him stunned by your actions "it's almost done "

After you eat all of the gang is in the living room right now dementia was trying to tackle me while blackhat is laughing "ok mr.evil let's see are you ticklish " his eye widens "no I am not" you run to him and jump in his lap he grunts and blushes a green you whisper in his ear " be careful what you saaaay~" you poke his sides and start tickling him his laugh is like music to your ears then you stop " now your in for it" you start running while blackhat chases you he tackles you and your on the ground  " no no NO-AAAAAAAAA hahahaha get away from me hahahahaha" he chuckles "never mwahahabut soon all settled down and you all fall asleep in the living room

blackhat x Fallen Angle ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now