Ch. 2: Together - Shayne

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That sound cut through the air like a knife, piercing my eardrums.

The muscles in my body seized up as my blood ran cold. Courtney stiffened in my hold.

So much for being optimistic.

"I, uh... hope I'm not interrupting anything... but, um... Shayne we have a video to shoot...?"

I shakily shifted my head over to where the voice came from.

Damien's big eyes stared at us with slight confusion, rubbing his arm and shifting his weight from the heel of his foot to the toes.

I could have collapsed in a relieved heap right then and there.

"Is everything okay?" His confusion still present, but now with a softened tone.

Courtney quickly tried to wipe her tear streaks with the back of her hand, only smearing the make up even worse. "Yeah," she sniffled. "Yeah, everything's fine." She untangled herself from my hold and smiled brightly at Damien, like she didn't just have a mini breakdown only a few seconds ago.

Damien was unconvinced. "Are you sure? You want me to get you tissues or something?"

"No, no, it's fine. Thanks, though. You guys have a video to shoot. I just got to go to the bathroom." Her green eyes glistened as she got up from her chair. "Tell me how the video went after!"

And she was gone.

My knees cracked as I slowly stood back up again. Damien turned to me, worry written all over his face, not saying anything. I could only try to lamely shrug him off. "I'll meet you in the video room in just a second. I have to wash the make up off my hands."

"Oh... Okay." He seemed to be distracted as he nodded, grimacing as he walked off.

As his footsteps faded into silence, I finally let myself sigh a deep breath. Staring at the black wet streaks on the sides of my hands were Courtney's once were a few minutes ago, I clenched my fingers into a fist, hiding the dark marks.

What have I done?


We were supposed to play a really stupid but funny game today. I tried cracking jokes, tried to laugh or grumble at all of Damien's taunts, tried to smile as widely as I normally did. Damien took the lead this time, chattering the most and trying his hardest to bring the mood back up. But even though he's my best friend of how many years now, his funniest of jokes couldn't seem to bring me out of my rut.

Once the cameras stopped rolling, I physically relaxed as I slumped a bit in posture. A warm hand patted my back. "Buddy, are you alright?" His voice was quiet and careful, like I might shatter any second. He tried to angle his head so he could see my eyes. I didn't bother making eye contact.

"Sorry, I'm just tired."

"If it's about Courtney, I'm sure everything will be fine. She's strong and always perseveres. It will all be okay in the end, I promise."

"I know she is, it's just that..."

One of the crew members dropped a slate board in the distance, making a loud crashing noise. Somebody cursed and another yelped at the loud noise. I myself flinched, but he kept his eyes trained on me, undeterred.

"Just what?"

I bit the inside of my cheek. Damien, despite our close relationship, didn't know of my relationship with Courtney either, just like everyone else at Smosh. It was just our little secret, her and I alone. I can't betray her right now, when I've already basically done that once already.

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