Chapter 7: Beginning to forgiveness

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Chapter written by: LillaSmolBean
As the white haired quiet one walked deeper into the dungeons, the temperature took a drastic turn. It was certainly colder in these stone-prisons. When she arrived to the green ninja's cell, she found him lying on the ground. Possibly asleep. She was doing so well in keeping her anger together but this right here just triggered her. Having no time, she dug the keys through the lock hole and slammed the metallic door open. "Wake up you idiot!" She scolded before kicking the blonde on his shoulder. It may not look like it hurt however receiving a boot's rand to your shoulder was a massive pain. The green ninja stumbled back without hesitation. Still, he didn't get off the stone cold floor nor opened his eyes. Which caused Harumi to lose more of her patience. She let out an infuriated cry. "Kai...i don't want to get up for training.." Lloyd rolled to the side, he groaned in his sleep. Her lips quivered: "You idiot!" She kicked him again, this time. The rand hit his head.

His eyes immediately shot open as he prompted himself off the ground. Naturally, one of his palms captured his head and rubbed the spot where she kicked. She gave him an unpleasant glare. Shooting chills down his spine. Her cheeks were noticeably in a tinted rose colour. "About time you snapped out of it." She crossed her arms and stepped away from the wall where he was currently leaned against. "What do you mean?" Lloyd yawned, his eyes blinking once and awhile. She didn't wait to think of a response. The words rolled off her lips. "Don't play dumb." She started off hostile as ever before signing and keeping her tone down.

"Why did you kick me is what I'd like to know first. Why did you wake me up?" The green ninja impatiently spilled his questions. "What was that for?" His eyebrows were narrowed, showing that he didn't appreciate the new injury she caused him. Harumi lunged the book and it pressed against his chest. She held it in place for a few seconds, signalling him to take the book. In which he did and brought it closer to his face. "Why did you give me a-" he paused to look at the size of the book and flipped the first page. He realized that this book resembled like...he interrupted his thoughts with a small giggle. "Why did you give me a diary?" He questioned, amused.

Harumi huffed: "Just read the stupid thing, ok? Then we can talk." She insultes the simple piece of literature with all the burning hatred she had. Lloyd began reading the entries. "Alright I will. Good grief.." he paused and his voice died down as he focused on reading instead of talking. "Let's see...The plans I have for the SOG and the fate of the quiet one.." he said at loud which caused him to widen his black pupils.

The white haired girl looked down. Avoiding all eye contact she could with the green ninja. She curled her palms into fists as well. The blonde looked at her with concern. "Where did you get this?" He asked. She replied dryly and slight cowardice took over her. Though she didn't want to make it obvious: "I found it laying by the ground when I was making my way to the emperor's throne room.".
Lloyd examined the pages even more, coming up with a conclusion that he'd hate to admit. "I hate to break it to you but this definitely looks like my father's handwriting." He informed her. She chuckled: "yeah ofcourse. How can a child not recognize their precious parents' handwriting?" She rolled her eyes sarcastically. But honestly, the mention of 'parents' made her die down a bit on the inside.

"Wow Thanks, I totally needed sarcasm just now." Lloyd replied in an unappreciative manner. "We're not friends. You're my prisoner I can mess with you as much as my heart desires." She informed him bitterly. Lloyd groaned, giving a disappointing sigh. "Yes I'm perfectly aware of that. Thanks. Anyways, what do you want and why am I involved in your problems?" He inquired. Finally a reasonable question for the quiet one. She opened her mouth to talk but still she trembled slightly-no a lot. She stood there, losing her words by the minute. "I'd.....if it's possible-"
He stared down into her beautiful spacious black eyes. "What can I do?"he responded gently. The realization of her asking a murderer hit her. She couldn't turn back now. If she wanted to live, he was unfortunately the last resort. "Please, I need help." She lowered her head in shame and cowardice. There was a period of silence between the two before Lloyd sighed. "With what? You'd need to be more precise in life, you know?". Her eyes dilated a bit more. "Yeah I was getting to that part, you idiot. Geez...but I was wondering if you could help me stop your father." She told him.

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