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Until now, that is.. "You're not the new Shen Gong Wu." The man's voice was more frigid than the winter sea. Jazlyn turned her head so that she could see more than the toe of his armored boots. She looked up at him, blinking to attempt to clear the blurred vision that only let her see his sea of green tinted black hair and pale skin "what?" She asked, finding her voice again she managed a rasping whisper. "You must be kidding... How could you get this far if not searching for something. The result of you being here is actually rather convenient."

"You know of my kitten?" Jazlyn hated the unnatural weakness in her voice and the strange lethargy in her body almost as much as she hated the effect this man's icy beauty had on her.

"I imagine all of japan knows it. Typically for Kimiko, she and your 'kitten' weren't exactly quiet in their arrival. I wonder how many of Japan's people also felt the blow the chit dealt you, I presume, just before she got to the temple once again." The man tapped his chin contemplatively with one slender finger.

Jazlyn remained silent, struggling to release the pain and draw together the internal and external wounds this 'Kimiko' had given her, but the earth that her body pressed against was too real, and she has not the strength to get up and demand medical attention.

"No, I do not imagine many felt it.." The man continued, in his coldest most calculating voice. "Not many are connected to the Shen Gong Wu like us, and apparently you aswell, is that not so, kitten?"

"We... And others.. Are connected?" Jazlyn managed, though she suddenly wished the words were not true, and that she could get Yandere back in her arms.

"Indeed." He said, still distracted by his thoughts. Then the man's cat-like eyes widens as a new realization came to him. "Would you enjoy staying with me, Chase Young, in my Heylin palace?"

"I will be fine on my own." She put as much strength as possible in her voice.

"All I need is my feline."

"I imagined you'd say that, but being as you chose not to be my alli, I am no longer so inclined to get you that. You plan for yourself, kitten."

Jazlyn thought for a moment.. Maybe this man could help her. She nodded "then I will stay."

Chase grinned a toothy grin and extended his arm out to her, she took it and let him help her up. He helped Jazlyn walk to the Heylin castle, which she had no idea what Heylin was. "I will not allow Kimiko, or any of the xiaolin warriors to interfere with you again, after you claim your kitten."

Jazlyn watched Chase a bit before turning back, the treck was kind of far, but he had plenty of property. When they arrived he layed Jazlyn onto a silky bed, he wouldn't have her hurt, but escaping was out of the question as well. Ever since she lied down she was unable to get up, mainly that she felt her back had been broken, giving Chase even more of an opportunity. He extended his arms above her, beginning to weave his long, gloved fingers through the air, creating intricate patterns, like a spider spinning it's web. Jazlyn was only able to watch Chase in awe and curiosity. He drew to him a sticky blackness she hasn't recognized yet, but eventually she realized she knew it all too well. Her parents were victim to its evil. She'd spent hours fighting that darkness just to save her parents, but she failed.... Miserably. But now, she was embracing the release of pain. Embracing its cold power. It pulsed and fluttered familiarly, restlessly under his gloved fingers. 'What kind of power does he really posses?' She thought, but the thought drifted like the echo of Yandere's meows through her weary mind. Jazlyn took the time to notice just how 'different' he really looked, gold tinted cat-like eyes, pointed ears, tinted hair, so on.. Chase drew more and more of the inky threads to himself. Jazlyn scowled and opened her mouth to say words, failing miserably, Chase could sense her anger and the blackness he spun intensified, her wounds were already healed, and she swore she knew his plans. The blackness dropped to the sheets as loud knocking was heard and behind it muffled growls and squeals.

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