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This is it. The hunt is over. There they are. Right around this corner. I'm barely breathing. I hear my boss say "stand by" in my ear piece. I hold my breath and clock my gun. I can hear laughter.

"Apparently there is this super hot agent following us around." One of them says. I hear snickering. I roll my eyes. "Nah we're too slick, no one will find us, let alone follow us" I smirk. Oh how wrong you are.

A beep sounds in my ear piece. "Agent 25 you are ready to go" that's my clue. My heart is beating at an inhumane pace. I cannot afford to fuck this up.

Here goes nothing. I leap out In front of them. I then start shooting. They're all taken by surprise. They all dodge my bullets. *BANG* one of the drops to the floor, clinging on too their shoulder, blood seeping through their white shirt. "JUNGKOOK"

Now which one of these low lifes is the leader, I think to myself, still shooting rounds at them. I then remember my boss saying that the leader had blonde hair, with usually a red bandana around his head which swept his hair back.

I see him. He looks around and his members, they all glare at me. He starts walking towards me. I point my gun at him. He just smirks. That makes me feel sick to my stomach. I pull the trigger... nothing. I pull the trigger again. Nothing.

Crap. I'm out of bullets. He notices and he laughs. "Aw is my babygirl having trouble with her gun" shit. I leg it. Not looking back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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