if you're planning on reading this, then don't stop. Actually read it. Really listen. Pay attention to everything because every single fucking word because it ties back to a memory that has lead to now.
The present is what matters, not what's in the past. I mean that literally. However, the past's fear and lies has built this present and that shouldn't be left unsaid.
It doesn't matter, but it really does.
Say something.
Additionally, if you think anything in here is your fault (I'm talking to a few of you specifically, Haha <3). Don't sweat it. I mean, I'm not saying it isn't your fault, but I love you and you're forgiven.
This isn't a story to shame those who has brought me pain, but rather to show that my unconditional and undying love for them outshines that.
When you read these pages, read them knowing that I see you (yes, you, the one reading this) in all of these happy and unforgettable times. Even if I hadn't even met you yet, you were still there in my heart, as you always were. Know that as I am writing this, I am thinking of every single one of you that I know may eventually read this. You are all in my thoughts equally and so strongly.
I love you so much, always, more, most, more than the whole university, so badly, and over the moon and back.
Don't forget it and don't think otherwise.