Our Promise/13/Stay with you

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"The heart doesn't always work the way you want it to. You should just follow your feelings. You'll be happier that way."

-Black Prince and Wolf Girl

"I wish I could stay here with you." Natsume linked their fingers together. Air escaped from her slightly parted lips.

"As do I." Her mouth turned upwards but even her eyes start to flutter as the seconds pass.

Natsume sighs as he leans forward and presses his lips to her temple. He wants to relive the taste of her cupids' bow but even he knows that timing is important in a relationship. And he wants to have one desperately.

Even he doesn't know what they are completely.

"My princess." he brushes the strands from her face and admires her contentedly. The way her long eyelashes bat across her flushed cheeks. The way she breathes.

She mumbles as she drifts off.

"What was that?" He chuckles; expecting soft snores to escape her lips.

"I'm sorry..." She mutters. Confusion causes him to raise his brows at her but he starts messing with her hair not sure if she's completely asleep now.

"I really should go soon." But he doesn't move. Not an inch. He's testing if she's awake.

"Don't.... go..." She shudders, "Don't... leave... me."

"Hey..." He brushes the back of his hand across her cheek like a paintbrush. "I don't want to leave but I'm sure your Grandpa will come soon and I don't want to leave a bad first impression."

The door swings open.

"Too late." A middle-aged man with his arms crossed and a frown stood not entirely inside nor outside the room.

Natsume lifted his hands from Mikan and stepped back, his arms still floating in the air, "S-sir!"

He doesn't spare him a glance. Instead he sits by Mikan's side and checks her forehead, "How is she? Poor thing overworked herself. She really needs to take more care of herself."

His eyes crinkle at the corners as he laughs softly, "Just like her mother." He shakes his head as he looks off through the window.

Natsume doesn't want to leave right away, it looks like he wants to tell him something. He's not sure if he should be scared or shocked. At the moment he can see the resemblance between Mikan and her grandpa. They smile the same.

"We brought her syrup and she drank some tea." He didn't add that she made the tea herself. "She's doing better and I'm sure she'll recover after some more rest."

"She better." He grinned, then he stood up from the bed. As he passed him he patted his shoulder, "You're a nice kid. What's your name?"

"Natsum-" He stopped himself. Would it hurt to reveal his real name to her grandpa? It might. "It's Natsu."

"What an unusual name. Alright, Natsu... thank  you for taking care of my granddaughter. Make sure to feed her well."

His cheeks flushed. "Yes sir."

"Call me Grandpa." He walked out and closed the door but just as quickly opened it up once more, "Are you staying the night?"

At that, Natsume's ears turned pink. "No sir- Grandpa. I was just-I was just leaving just n-now."

He stiffly walked past Gramps at an abnormal speed and caught up with Ruka who was waiting with Youichi. Youichi was laughing his pants off.

"A-and then she slapped him- Oh hey Natsu. We weren't just talking about you..."

Youichi shook his head, "We weren't."

"Sure." Natsume deadpanned, "We have to leave Ruka. It's getting dark."

"Awwww." Youichi jumped from his seat and lead them outside. "Come back soon!"

Natsume winked, "I will."


It took no more than three days for Mikan to fully recover. Even though Natsume welcomed her back, something had changed-shifted and it would take some time for him to figure out that it had to do with his mother.

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