Part 32 : Change your ways Payal

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Hi friends ,

Sorry for the late update . I thought to update before but I wasn't even able to write even a single word in this few days as there were few personal problems.  Sorry !!

Now let's peep into the story without any other delay ..

Nivitha woke up and sat on the bed. She saw the time as 2 pm . Rubbing her eyes for two times , she got up from the bed . She then went to wash her face and then came out with a towel rubbing her face .

Meanwhile Arnav had come inside with her lunch on a plate .

How are you ? Hope you had a good sleep said Arnav .

Yes . I have a good sleep said Nivitha .

Arnav kept the plate on the Table .

Have it said Arnav .

I would have said Nivitha sternly

I would give you medicines and then leave said Arnav seated up in a chair .

Nivitha stares at him and sat on another chair . She holded the plate on her hands and started having it . She was feeling her emotions returning back . The time when she craved for her father's love . The time when she hopped for having a complete family with her mother and father . That time when she couldn't understand the depth emotions of her mumma . The time she was not matured to understand her father deeds . She was drawn to a memory which was displaying in front of her .

A small girl of 6 years was seated at the corner of the floor . She had circled her arms around her knees and leaning on to it . She was crying .

Khushi came inside the room after her work .

Nivi asked Khushi sitting before nivi and keeping her hand on Nivi 's knees .

I won't talk to you said Nivitha .

What happened . Did mumma do any wrong ? asked Khushi pulling her to the embrace .

Who is my father ? Where is my dad ? asked Nivitha looking at Khushi with sad face .

Nivi wants to meet her papa ? asked Khushi hugging her more closer .

Yes . Nivi is too sad that everyone are happy with their family and father . My friends have their papa to pick them up. Me too wants like that said Nivitha .

Am I not picking you up Nivi?? asked Khushi .

You are . But papa isn't doing right ? asked Nivitha .

Okay. Do you want to meet your papa ? asked Khushi .

You would make me meet him ? asked Nivitha looking at Khushi with a twittering eyes .

Yes said khushi getting up and then lifting her .

She took her infront of the mirror .

Nivi ! What is this ? asked Khushi .

Mirror said Nivitha .

What does it do ?? asked Khushi .

It always says the truth said Nivitha .

And shall I say you one truth infront of it . I am your mother and father . I am both for you said khushi kissing nivi's hair .

How is it possible ? asked Nivitha .

That is the truth . See Khushi and nivi a perfect cute family . Do you find anyone else  here ? asked Khushi .

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