Chapter 7

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Annie's pov:
I woke up Grace jumping up and down at my bed again!screaming and laughing
G- mommy wake up!
A- stop jumping Grace
G- (stops)
A- you want breakfast?
G- yes mommy
A- ok let's get you ready
Annie's pov:
We took a bath and i made pancakes Hrace ate some pancake while watching shimmer and shine typical toddlers then Hayley went down stairs
Hay- good morning!
A- good morning
G- good morning auntie Hayley
Hay- so what are you guys gonna do for today?
A- probably going out what are you doing for today?
Hay- ohh just hanging out with my friends
A- oh ok
Annie's pov:
After we ate breakfast i took my purse and said good bye to Hayley and headed out but we went to the park first because Grace wanted to go there so i texted asher
A- hey ash coming to your house
As- ok
(End of texting)
Asher's pov:
I'm excited to meet Annie and Grace it kinda hurts to hear that Annie has a child that its not mine i loved her and i still do but i truly messed up two years ago i cheated on her with Peyton Annie's biggest enemy anyways i heard the doorbell ring and i went to the door and opened the door and i got my eye on Grace she's so cute and beautiful like her mom
A- hey
As- hey anns
As- come in
(They went in)
A+As- (looks at each other)
As- (mouths)she's so cute
A- well Grace this is Asher
G- hi asher
As- hi Grace
G- (smiles & giggled)
Asher's pov:
She has the same giggle as Annie she's so cute anyways we talked and i played with Grace she's so fun to play with i freaking love her so much she always run around and i chases her if she laugh we all partically laughing i really want to spend ting with this little girl after spending time together she fell asleep so we put her on my bed and annie and i just talked about som stuff
A- so any plans tomorrow?
As- yea i have a concert tomorrow
A- can i join?
As- sure
A- (laughs)
As- Grace is really fun
A- i know she's crazy sometimes
As- just like when you your obsessed woth TVD
A- (laugh)
Annie's pov:
We just talked and talked until i heard Grace calling me then i ask permission to Asher if i could go upstairs and he said yes so i went upstairs and ask Grace what she wants
A- what do you want Grace?
G- mommy can we go home?
A- ok (they went down)
A- Asher i'll text you later Grace wants to go home
As- see you tomorrow?
A- tomorrow
As- thx for today it was fun
A- thx to you too
As- bye anns
A- bye ash
As- bye grace
G- bye Asher
Asher's pov:
Its fun hanging out woth them but tomorrow is going to be better Annie is going to help me for my wardrobe for my concert this will be amazing anyways i prepared the stuff for tomorrow and i lay sown on my bed just watching TV and Annie texted me
Annie's pov:
Once i arrived home i asked mom if i really should tell Asher i'm scared if he will be mad or something but mom said i really need to tell him because he is the father of Grace anyways i texted asher
A- ash
As- huh?
A- can i bring Grace tomorrow?
As- sure of course!
A- i really need to tell you something
As- what?
A- i'll tell you tomorrow
As- ok see you tomorrow
A- see ya

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