Chapter 4

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I had an internal debate on whether or not I wanted to look at my drunken neighbor.
He had to be pretty out of it to talk to me,
considering I looked like the personified version of death itself.
Teased hair , black eye shadow that made me look like a panda bear , arms covered in jelly bracelets , and a leather jacket around my back.

I probably looked like a fourteen-year-old who was still stuck in their scene phase.
Reminder: if you have to say that it's not a phase,  then it's  definitely a phase.

I moved to the side with a sigh ,  turning to see who the man was. My curiousity always got the best of me. I couldn't be faced with the great unknown without getting myself tangled up in it.

It was impossible for me to turn my back on these kind of things. I had to know what i was dealing with through and through.
That's why I always got myself into the  shittiest situations. I was a magnet for sin and disaster , a walking catastrophe if you will.

It did't matter that he was probably an ax-murderer and I was the perfect victim. I was far away from home and I was all by myself.
Good thing I took a couple Krav Maga glasses when I was younger. I knew some self-defense techniques,  even if I wasn't going to be the next Bruce Lee.

Boom! Boom! Pow!

Yeah, I still had it. I could totally take someone out if I had to__like take them out on a date! I couldn't fight to save my life. I wasn't badass enough to be one of Gavin's Angels, despite how desperately I wanted to be. I wanted to kick ass and look sezy while doing it, but I wass to lazy to commit to any proper training. Exercising wasn't my forte. I preferred being a cough potato.

When I turned to look at him, I expected to see an old man wearing a stained-tshirt who reeked of alcohol. That's not who was sitting beside me. Not in the slightest.

His light hair was the very first thing I noticed about him. It was as white as the first snow in December and it look as soft as silk fabric.
It was pushed away from his angular face, tucked
neatly in place. I wanted to run my hands through it and fuss it up until it wasn't so perfect
anymore. I couldn't help but wonder if he would
try to stop me. Hell, he would probably break my hand. He looked like he was strong enough to do it. Honestly,he looked like he was capable
of doing anything and everywhere he wanted.

He had a center aura surrounding him. It was like confidence and poise on his body.I couldn't help but notice how the color of his white hair was such a contrast to the youthfulness of his face. He had a  sharp jawline and hollow cheekbones that gave him an exotic appearance. His eyes where a shocking baby blue mixed with specks of gold and green. They different shades stood on their own, but when they came together, they made a beautiful kaleidoscope of bright colors.
They coaxed and taunted me, urging me to get lost in the ocean that was his eyes. An ocean with waters so deep and cold it felt like I was already drowning in them. Truth be told, I didn't mind one bit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2019 ⏰

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