Summer Vacations: Beach

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Jin: Put Sunscreen on your face! Jungkook! Don't go too far in the water!

Jungkook: Oppa! I'm a big boy now! Leave me be!

Jin: Rap Mon! Don't go destroying stuff!

Rapmon: Too bad already did......

Jin: what?

Rapmon: nothing *hides Jin's broken headphones*

Jin: Suga! Stop lying around and sleep! Go have fun in the water!

Suga: I don't wanna babysit that guy, he can take care of himself

Jin: Jhope! Stop horsing around!

Jhope: Horse around? Got it! Neeeehh!

Jin*face palm* Jimin! Stop! Right their young man! Where do you think your going?!

Jimin: dance with girls? And probably get drunk with my friend Mochi's?

Jin: You are not getting drunk this time! You trouble maker! Babysit your bro Kookie!

Jimin: uuuugh......!

Jin: Taehyung? Taehyung?! Where's Taehyung?

Yoo: here.......  *points at V petting her hair*

V: what shampoo do you use?! Your hair is soo soft!

Jin: keep him busy Yoo

Yoo: wait! Jin Oppa...! ....... *sigh*


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