You Idiot

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A average salary man was on his way home on a dimly lit street, and despite there being streetlights some were broken and wouldn't work, he passes a alleyway and stops, thinking to himself, "If I head down here it should lead me home faster...." And turns facing the darkness remarking, "There's almost no light! Well how hard can it be to walk in a straight line?" He laughs to mask his nervousness. He then takes some steps down the long dark path, after 5 to 6 seconds he hears footfalls behind him and turns saying "Anyone there?" There's no response and he sees no one and shrugs muttering to himself, "Must be tired and imagining things." And continues down the alley, he hears the steps, and starts to walk a little faster, feeling the fear creep in his heart..... Every step he takes he hears the footfalls just right after, so close behind him, The salaryman terrified out of his wits breaks out in a run going as fast as he can breathing heavily and he hears the creature behind him follow him, "How can this guy keep up!?" He wonders as he goes faster, he hears the ragged breathing behind him and imagines it's hot breath stroking his neck... He runs and runs reaching the end of the alley, it's a brick wall and he's panting, afraid to turn and see what's awaiting him, he can hear heavy breathing and turns because he's had enough screaming "Who the hell are you!!" He was surprised to see that the thing that made him fear for his life was a....... Echo, it was the high walls of the buildings and the brick wall at the end of the alley trapping sounds and making him believe he was being pursued, he now has a piss stain in his pants to explain to his wife at home as she washes his clothes.

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