Year one

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Hermione Granger sat under the large oak tree; the one that sat on the edge of the Black Lake. She had received a letter that morning at breakfast and had been reluctant to open it as she recognised the handwriting to be that of Professor McGonagall's. She had desperately wanted to prove to her that she was intelligent, that she wasn't the know-it-all that everyone thought her to be. She smiled as she remembered the Professor telling her that she was proud of her, and for her to ignore what everyone else said as it only mattered what Hermione thought of herself. She had said she would make her parents proud. She thought that was a little weird but just brushed it off, thinking she hadn't understood what she had said. She fingered the opening to the envelope as she thought about her favourite Professor. She was worried that she was in trouble or that she would be expelled from Hogwarts for something she had done; even though she had no friends to break the rules with (not that she would even dream of doing so). Sighing, she opened the letter and her eyes ran over the familiar script.

Dear Hermione,

You may be confused as to why I am writing to you, but you parents have informed me that they are no longer able to look after you. They had asked me to tell you that you are adopted. I know that this will come as a shock to you, but understand that if they could have told you themselves, they would have. I know you will have many questions and I wish to answer them. You will find that now the bond between you and the Granger's has been broken, your appearance will start to change, it may have already done so. I hope you will come and see me after you read this. I shall be in my office all day so you may come to me whenever you wish as I know you may not want to read this at the breakfast table, that I fully understand, as even I don't read letters at the head table. I do so hope you are well and that you understand why your parents were unable to contact you.

Please be safe my dear, I do worry about you.

Minerva McGonagall

Hermione was shocked to say the least and she read over the letter several more times before she finally understood what the Professor was saying. She knew that both her parents had been increasingly unwell over the years and understood why they could neither contact her nor take care of her. She, however, didn't understand what the Professor was saying about her appearance, but she guessed she would find out soon enough. She continued to sit by the lake for a few hours, letting lunch finish and her mind to settle. So, after feeling calmer and knowing that lunch would now be over, she stood and slowly headed up to Professor McGonagall's office. She had butterflies in her stomach and as she stood outside of the Professor's door she seriously thought about turning and running, but she knocked and entered once she heard the Professor's voice.

"Hermione, come and sit down my dear." Minerva indicated the sitting area in front of the blazing fire.

Hermione sat on the sofa and curled her feet underneath her and gazed into the fire, not sure what to say.

"I'm glad you came, Hermione. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay thank you Professor. I understand why my parents aren't able to take care of me any more. They haven't been well for years. But as for the rest of your letter, I'm a little confused." Hermione's brow furrowed and she got caught up in her thoughts once more.

Minerva smiled sadly and sat next to the girl, getting her attention. "You're adopted Hermione. The Granger's can't have children of their own so they adopted you."

Hermione nodded. "They never told me," she whispered.

"I know."

"Do you know who my birth parents are?"

Minerva nodded. "I do. Would you like to know?"

Hermione nodded. "Yes please."

"I'm you mother."

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