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Brennen POV
My phone starts to randomly ring I look at the phone to see a random number on my screen I answered it and I was shocked at what i was hearing
??:is this Brennen Taylor
Brennen:yes and who is this?
??:I'm amber green we where together for a while and things happened and well let's just say your going to be a father here in about an hour

I didn't know what to do
Me:what sorry
Amber:it's a girl I want 50/50 custody of her if you even want custody over her
Me:oh course I do
Amber:any name ideas I'm about To start the process of having her
Brennen:you should name her Elizabeth or Briella I really like those names
Amber:ok well I got to go I will text you more information when I have her

~1 years later~
Ambers POV
I wake up knowing i have to go take care of a very annoying 1 year old I wish I would have take my pregnancy pills when I fucked around with Brennen or got rid of her when I had the chance I sit up in my bed and my way to the kitchen I saw a very curious toddler crawling around I grabbed her by the wrist and drug her to her room and smacked her hand a couple times
Me:I told you stay in bed until I say so

Her cries fill the air I didn't feel bad at all I wish she was gone I didn't want her it was stressful because every guy who comes in my life walks out because I have a daughter I will never have true happiness if she's here lucky me tho it's her fathers week I quickly get changed and change her into some clothes I set her down on my bed and takes picture of her and send it to Brennen

Her cries fill the air I didn't feel bad at all I wish she was gone I didn't want her it was stressful because every guy who comes in my life walks out because I have a daughter I will never have true happiness if she's here lucky me tho it's her ...

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"Will be there soon!" I text him I then shut my phone roughly grabbing her and putting her in the car i muffle her cried with the blasting music I make my way to Brennen house he comes running out and is all over our baby we say our goodbyes and I leave finally happy alone time.

Brennen POV
I was so happy to see my baby girl once I got her in my grasp I noticed she had little bruises on her arms and legs and slight cuts I shrugged it off and walked in side I sat her on the ground as Kobe licks her half to death I go and grab my keys and her backpack full of things she will need through out the day as I go over to her and gently picked her up said my goodbye to Kobe and walked out the door and locked it I buckled her in her car seat and take off to my mothers place once I get there Jessica and Jake are running to the back of the car swinging the car door open and scrambling to get her seat belt off once they did Jessica took her in her arms and hugged her very tightly I laughed as a smile appeared on Bella's face I smiled and walked inside followed by Jake and Jessica I walked in and gave my mom a hug and kissed her head she then walked over to Jessica
Mom:give me my baby
Me:that's my baby
Jessica:mom I just got her
Me:stop fighting over my kid

Jessica hands her over to my mom my mom doing the Same as Jessica did hugging her tightly she planted kisses all over her head Bella started crying I took her from my mom and rocked her she put her tiny thumb in her mouth and sucked on it
Me:your so cute
Mom:why did you get so lucky my girl is ugly
Mom:I'm just joking I love you
Jessica:yeah yeah
Me:stop fighting
Jake:I want to hold her

I hand my child off to Jake she lays her head on his shoulder and thumb in her mouth he slightly rocks her and drifts to sleep that's when I noticed her cheek was purple and blue
Me:do you think by any chance Amber is hurting her
Mom:I don't know sweetie that's something you should ask amber

Jessica went to her room and Jake was now sitting on the couch with Bella asleep on his shoulder me and my mom go and sit down by him and turn on the tv my phone then starts to blow up
7 messages from Colby😁😂
Colby😁😂:yo when are you coming over?
Colby😁😂:answer me
Colby😁😂:are you bringing Bella
Colby😁😂:just get here soon
Me:I'll be there soon yes I'm bringing Bella
I shut my phone off and grab my backpack and stuff and said my goodbyes I walk over to Jake and slowly pry her arms off of him and pick up my baby taking her to the car and off to the trap house once I pull up Bella starts crying I hurry and get out to get her once I get her in my arms she stops crying and is instantly ok I go up to the trap house door and I know on the door Corey answer the door and doesn't even say hi to me he just takes Bella I go upstairs to Colby's room and open the door he was in the middle of putting a shirt on
Brennen:Bella is down stairs
I go back down stairs to find my kid as Colby rushes from behind me

I walk into the game room to Corey holding her while talking to Elton colby comes up and take her right out of his hands we walk into the kitchen and he sets her on the counter and plays with her
Me:hey Colby
Me:do you see the bruises on her arms and legs
Colby:yeah what about them
Me:do you think Amber is hurting her
Colby:no it could just be from her learning how to walk or crawling on the floor

He goes on and keeps playing with her she giggles and laughs until it was time to say goodbye I took her home gave her a bath and put her to bed she was adorable while sleeping I kissed her forehead and went to bed myself but I couldn't fall asleep wondering if Amber is doing what I think she is doing to her

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