Axis & Allies x Sick!Reader

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Title name: Sick Days
Warnings: None

It was a regular world meeting America was stuffing his mouth with burgers, England and France were bickering, and Italy was shouting  pasta.

Only one country had noticed your absence and that was China. You were always on time when there was meetings, so he was worried something must've happened to you.

"Hey wasn't C/n suppose to be here an hour ago?" China exclaimed.

"Yeah she's always here on time." Said England."

"Something must've happened to C/n-san." Japan replied.

"I suppose we should check on her." Germany responded.

"Yeah dudes, We should!" America agreed.

They canceled the meeting to check on you.

/Time skip\
They all arrived to C/n's house but the door was locked. But luckily, Italy had a spare key when he was at your house before.

They all entered the house and went to the main hallway to where your room was. There were tissues scattered all over the floor and there was you coughing violently  in your bed.

They immediately went up to you and turns out you had a cold. England went to make some tea for you, Japan went to get your favorite mangas for you to read, and China went to make your favorite food. The rest were watching over you.

After you had taken your medicine and finished eating your food you went to sleep as they were still watching over you.

And to your surprise you were still awake when you heard them murmur this.

"I love you."

Hetalia x Reader Where stories live. Discover now