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Fae was over the moon when she stepped out of the car, her black converse stepping onto the wet concrete of the sidewalk, the entrance to the airport mere feet away. Fae pulled her hood over her damp blue dyed hair as she ran around the car to pop open the trunk of her mother's dark grey SUV, her hands flying to those plain black suitcases that she marked with bright orange duct tape around the handles. Fae's mother, Clara, met her behind the car with a small smile on her round, feminine face. "You'll be careful, won't you?" Clara said in a slight Georgian accent. Fae pulled those suitcases to the wet asphalt and looked to her mother, those big green eyes of hers seemed to be glazed with pride, but also with worry.
"I'll be alright," Fae replied, "I'll spend my money wisely, I won't drink with strangers and I will obey Diana's orders." Fae had an older sister, Diana, who was an English teacher in South Korea. Diana lived in Seoul, in a small apartment that was next to a cafe that Diana always took pictures of herself in. Diana spoke the language fluently, she adjusted quickly to the culture and even found a nice boyfriend named Yeun-jo.
Clara didn't seem completely satisfied, but she broadened her smile anyways and gave Fae a quick kiss on the cheek. "Alright, get on your plane and study until you need to sleep, I made you some tea in your bag, the container isn't too big so they will let you keep it." Fae nodded her thanks, grabbed her two bags, and made her way through the glass doors of the airport.


Making her way through security was easy enough, but the actual plane ride was miserable. 23 hours of riding planes, going through security and waiting for her next flight was as much torture as exams in her high school. Here she was now, rolling towards the exit doors of the airport in Incheon, Seoul, already seeing the auburn color of her sister's curly hair in the morning light. Diana was pretty, a heart shaped face with dimples under each corner of her full lips. Her eyes were a bright hazel color, which seemed to compliment her collarbone length hair.
Yeun-jo was here to greet me as well, but he was oddly more handsome in person than in the images Diana had sent us. He was easily a head taller than Diana, broad shoulders and long legs to match. His honey colored skin complimented those dark brown eyes of his, which were almond shaped and angled upright at the corners. His head turned in Fae's direction once Diana spotted her and waved her over with a broad smile, no shock on her face at Fae's blue hair. Fae's natural color wasn't like hers, she always thought of her own as a mud brown to her sister's copper.
Diana swept Fae up in an embrace, her long and elegant arms encircling around Fae's waist. She immediately felt self-conscious, she was always more plump than her sister. Fae wasn't exactly fat, but she wasn't an elegant dancer with a swan-like grace like Diana. "You've gotten so tall!" Diana exclaimed, patting the top of her head to further her examination. Fae was only an inch or two shorter, but she smiled at her sister's claim. "Yeah, I'm not going to look up at you anymore." She said in a quiet tone, feeling a little awkward that Yeun-jo hasn't said anything or even smiled just yet.

Diana looked to Yeun-jo, spoke quickly in Korean to him, then he finally spoke in a thick South Korean accent. "Hell-o, Vae, nice to meet you." He bowed his head slightly to Fae, a small grin on his face. Fae tilted her head at the pronunciation of her name, but she remembered Diana telling her that English is not commonly spoke here, so the civilians don't know how to pronounce certain words in English correctly. Fae bowed back, clumsily said her own greeting in her rough Korean, which earned a smile from both of the elder two in front of her.

"You must be tired and hungry, let's go to my place and I'll fill you up and make your bed for you." Diana pulled Fae to her side, Yeun-jo picking up her luggage and sliding them into the back beside her. The car was smaller than those in the States, but it wasn't uncomfortable. The interior was clean and smelled faintly of cherries. The leather was soft and smooth, cool to the touch. Yeun-jo seemed to like things to be clean, the only thing that wasn't clean was the pile of colored pencils in the passenger side of the car, obviously where Diana had left her art supplies.

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