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DEVRY ECET 370 Week 1 iLab Array-Based Implementations NEWCheck this A+ tutorial guideline at more classes visit OVERVIEWScenario and SummaryThe purpose of the iLab exercises is to help the student acquire skills in developing programs that require implementation with arrays of abstract data types, such as lists and bags.Note!Software Citation RequirementsThis course uses open-source software which must be cited when used for any student work. Citation requirements are on theOpen Source Applications page.Please review the installation instruction files to complete your assignmentDeliverablesThere are four exercises in this iLab, although not all of them will be required for submission. Be sure to read the following instructions carefully.Exercise 1: No submission is required.Exercise 4 contains parts a, b, c and continues through part i. Keep in mind that the methods developed for each of these parts should be within the same bag class.Create a folder and name it Week 1 iLab. Inside this folder, create the subfolders Ex2, Ex3, and Ex4. Place the solution to each of the three exercises required for submission in the corresponding subfolder. Compress the folder Week 1 iLab, and drop the resulting zipped folder into the Dropbox.Note that Exercises 2, 3, and 4 require software development. Place in the corresponding folders only .java files. Do not submit the .class files or other files or folders that are generated by the IDE.Required SoftwareEclipseAccess the software at .iLAB STEPSExercise 1: Review of Array-Based ListsBack to TopCreate a project using the classes in this zip file and name it "A Simple ArrayList Class." Compile it, run it, and review the code that is given carefully. This code tests the ArrayList class discussed in the lecture.Exercise 2: Implementing an Array ListBack to TopModify the class ArrayList given in Exercise 1 by using expandable arrays. That is, if the list is full when an item is being added to this list, the elements will be moved to a larger array. The new array should have twice the size of the original array.Exercise 3: Using an Array-Based ListBack to TopUsing the class ArrayList completed in the previous exercise, write a program to store 1,000 random numbers, each in the interval [0, 500]. The initial size of the array in the class should be set to 100. Print the numbers.Exercise 4: Implementing a Bag ClassBack to TopCreate a class bag (multiset) that uses an expandable array to store the bag items. The item type must be a Java String type; that is, the bag will store strings of characters. The class should have the methods listed below. Create a main class to test your bag class. This main class should fill a bag with the keywords of the Java language.1. Bag(): default constructor2. boolean isEmpty(): determines whether the bag is empty3. void print(): prints the bag elements4. int getLength(): returns the number of items in the bag5. void clear(): removes all of the items from the bag6. void add(String item): adds an item to the bag7. void removeOne(String item): removes item from the bag; only one occurrence of item should be removed.8. void removeAll(String item): removes item from the bag; all occurrences of item should be removed.9. int count(String item): counts the number of occurrences of item in the bag

DEVRY ECET 370 Week 2 ilab Linked Lists NEWCheck this A+ tutorial guideline at more classes visit OVERVIEWScenario and SummaryThe purpose of the iLab exercises is to help the student acquire skills in developing programs that require the implementation with linked lists of abstract data types, such as lists and bags.DeliverablesThere are four exercises in this iLab, although not all of them will be required for submission. Be sure to read the following instructions carefully.Exercise 1: No submission is required.Exercise 4 contains Parts a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h. Keep in mind that the methods developed for each of these parts should be within the same bag class.Create a folder and name it Week 2 iLab. Inside this folder, create the subfolders Ex2, Ex3, and Ex4. Place the solution to each of the three exercises required for submission in the corresponding subfolder. Compress the folder Week 2 iLab, and drop the resulting zipped folder into the Dropbox.Note that Exercises 2, 3, and 4 require software development. Place in the corresponding folders only .java files. Do not submit the .class files or other files or folders that are generated by the IDE.Required SoftwareEclipseAccess the software at .iLAB STEPSExercise 1: Review of Linked ListsBack to TopCreate a project using the classes in "A Simple LinkedList Class." Compile it, run it, and review the code that is given carefully. This code tests the LinkedList class provided in the lecture.Exercise 2: Implementing a Doubly Linked ListBack to TopModify the class LinkedList in Exercise 1 to make it a doubly linked list. Name your class DoublyLinkedList. Add a method addEnd to add an integer at the end of the list and a method displayInReverse to print the list backwards:void addEnd(int x): create this method to add x to the end of the list.void displayInReverse(): create this method to display the list elements from

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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