The impressions

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I was 8 and a half years old when I was adopted, yes im an orphan, and that day changed my whole life forever.
"Open your legs more farther, clench your fist more harder!" My dad said. I'm actually part of a secret agency, and my foster family have a business. They fight men that are part of a crime. And I can't be part of a mission yet until I'm 18 years old. That's why they're training me early, so that I'll be ready when I turn eighteen . It's like we're superheroes, except we don't have powers, only strength. The problem is that we're not allowed to be known or to be famous because we save other people's butts. I don't know why.

"Yes, yes ok!" I say. My father gets easily mad sometimes, it happens when his adrenaline triggers inside his body. But not a big deal cuz it always disappear fast.

But after all that I'm just a normal teenager. Im known as Sky Thompson in school even though my real name is actually Sky Sandiego. But that's not really my real name to be exact slash specific. Im an orphan right? So that means I have an original last name. I just dont know what it is, since I was in an orphanage since my infant days.

I dont dress like those girls in school who likes being near with boys and getting them attracted. I just have my own style. My original wear is sometimes black rip jeans and some sando and long sleeves, sometimes Adidas jacket, but it can get a little hot sometimes, thats why I just wear my sando and some medium oversized tee, and tack it in front. After all I'm just a normal teenager, i dont usually wear make up unless its a special occasion. And ofcourse i look like a normal person. Not to brag exactly, but I can consider myself that has an average pretty look. I mean i have green eyes, a ginger red hair that I always style with either a high ponytail, or a one braided hair and put it over my left shoulder, a thin organized eyebrow, beige skin, full heart lips and a defined nose.

And I Sky Claire Thompson slash Sandiego is a valedictorian in school. Won 'the best work' in science fair during my freshman year. Always gets an either P/+ or A+ in my Science and English tests. Math, not really, but I got AP last term, does that count?

On my way to school, I spotted my bf, by bf I mean my best friend, she has a dirty blond hair, matured eyes, fair skin, full pouted lips, and an upbutton nose. Her name is Victoria Shlene, although I just call her Vicky.

As we arrived to school, we noticed that the color of the buildings changed. It was now cream instead of yellow and the logo, god the logo, oh well, they added two blue ribbons at both ends of the logo, and I promise you our school's logo doesn't look good.

It was good to be back. Although there are memories that you wouldn't like to be friends with.

Vicky saw her crush and went to talk to him, so I told her that I'll just head over to the guidance office to take my schedule.

I knocked.

"Hey. Im Sky. Im here to take my sched." I said with a low tone voice. The girl who approached me had a hair that looks just like my mother. Blonde hair but she definitely had strips of her hair with grey color. She wore an eyeglass and a pink lipstick.

"Oh hey! Sky! How are you? You look awesome! How's your mother?" She asked with an exaggeration.

Seriously how does she know my mom?

"She's fine."
"Ok that's good to hear. Here's your schedule and here's your locker number."

I went to my locker but accidentally bumped to a boy. He looked at me with those super blue eyes. And I looked back.
"Hey watch where your going." He said, I guess he's not sociable.
"You're the one who has to watch where your going. You bumped into a girl and how dare you treat me like that."
I said with a glare.

"Whoa, easy there kid. You do not wanna know who you're messing with." He says
"And I certainly DONT wanna know who you are and who im messing with." I said fiercely.
"Woah, feisty." He said
"Ugh." I said one last word and left. I went to my locker and saw another guy that looks exactly like the one i messed with.

I bet it was his twin brother

He was beside my locker, I put all my things inside and got all my books needed for the first class of my new level. As I closed the door of my locker. I gasped in shock as I saw him looking at me and leaning at his locker door.

"Why are you looking at me?" I said with a frightened tone of voice thats still left inside me.
"Why? You flattered?" He said so full of himself.
"I don't even know you." I said and rolled my eyes. I noticed that his eyes weren't as blue as his brother. His was hazel and he had a dimple. He looks much sweeter than his thuggish brother
"I bet you met my brother." He said. I looked at him suspiciously. "Yeah, you are informed that news spread fast in this school right?" He said leaning his head forward and me ending up urging my head backwards.
"When did that became news? How can a talk simply be news?" I said as we both laughed. He actually looks cute with his dimple showing when he smiles.

I said goodbye and headed to my class and it turns out he was my classmate too.

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