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It was a normal day for the three brothers, making sure everything and everyone was in harmony, these three where Zielo, Celios, and Heephis. these three gods keep the world in shape for all to live happily, recently a new god had been created from Heephis himself, his name was Terios, protector on the night and dreams, some say only the people with the truest of heart will see him in person, as he will give them a gift for there perfect actions of kindness, the gift that he gives is still unknown to this day we may fear that those day will come to an end... a new threat has come and taken control of Terios's three brothers, Zielo took it the most, he killed his brothers in cold blood. Terios ran over to him and cried such rare tears...but, before Heephis died, he told Terios that he must protect the three souls that he is about to bring to life, the sons of Heephis, were then born...

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