Sports Festival Pt. 1

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3rd Person

Ever since the incident, Goku wasn't the same in the slightest. He was practically a different person. He was quiet and didn't talk to anyone, not even Katsuki, and Izuku. Goku had become cold-hearted and had actually started acting more aggressive towards people, and he had developed a short temper. The incident had caused his body to be too weak to handle Super Saiyan. The first time he tried to turn Super Saiyan after the incident, he stayed in the form for 5 seconds before he passed out. After that, he trained relentlessly, and he only came out of the gravity chamber for food or to sleep or take a shower.

Soon, it was the sports festival and everyone was hyped up and excited, except for Goku. The class was waiting in their waiting room and chatted quietly until it was interrupted by Todoroki suddenly standing up and walking over to Goku, he was sitting by himself. "Goku, I am here in front of you to tell you to give up. If you do not, I will attempt to destroy you every chance I get at the festival. So, will you give up?"

Everyone in the room froze after a wave of killing intent filled the room, which was being formed by Goku. "Todoroki...I am going to win this Festival, even if I have to destroy you to get the victory." Goku said with a glare before Todoroki walked back to his seat, right next to Momo.

The class waited in silence until they were called to walk out with the other classes. They all started walking out and looked up to see the stadium full of people. The students were excited to be able to show their talents in front if so many people.

The 18+ Hero: Midnight stepped out onto the podium, making many students and adults alike stare at her. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the annual UA High Sports Festival!" The stadium full of people cheered with excitement and joy, ready to see what the future heroes of the world had in store. "This year's sports festival will proceed in three parts. But before we start, some words from the first placer on the entrance exam: Goku Midoryia!"

The crowds cheered before quieting down, allowing Goku to speak. "Well, I just wanna say that I am gonna strive for first place and that you can all give me a run for my money and make it as challenging as possible. One last thing, Shoto Todoroki...I am going to destroy you." Goku said as the entire stadium froze from the amount of venom and malice in Goku's voice.

Once Midnight had recovered, she walked started talking again. "Well, uh, let's start with the first event being an obstacle course. They will begin in

3-all the students turned towards the exit and start running to get closes to the exit

2- they all started pushing, trying to get the closest to the exit, meanwhile, Goku stood still and started charging his energy quietly

1-The students all stiffened and waited for the signal


All the students started running out the little tunnel to try to get out of the mob of students they had formed. After a few seconds, they all felt a lot of air rush past them, enough to make a clearing in between the crowd of students. Katsuki and Izuku looked in front of them to see Goku stop and look at them for a split second before he increased his speed and quickly passed all of them.

"SHIT! Deku, we gotta hurry up!" Both Izuku and Katsuki started using One for All and started making their way towards Goku. Todoroki saw the three speed past him and scowled before he thought 'Dammit, I know I won't win if I don't use my left side, even with Goku's injury...Fine I guess today is the day where I finally let my left side be used.' Todoroki's left side exploded with flames as he used it to start going faster, though the three ahead of him were still going much faster.

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