Chapter 3, Part 2

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Stepping into his bathroom with a determined gait, he requested Yuxie go dark.

"I am secure now Montag," a melodic electronic voice rang through the sanitary walls.

As he sat on the covered toilet seat, Guy revealed that which seemed to be burning a hole in his chest the second he put it there, pressing it against his body as Beatty stood in front of him.

Notes From Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

His fingers touched and caressed the cover. What could have happened if the captain would have discovered it in his possession? He shook those thoughts out of his head and opens the book to the first page of the first chapter.

"I am a sick man. I am a wicked man. An unattractive man. I think my liver hurts."

Getting even more curious, he flips to page 25.

"I agree that two times two is four is an excellent thing but two times two is five is sometimes also a most charming little thing."

"False." That same robotic blurted into what Guy thought was his own solitary.

"Yuxie I said go dark!"

"We are dark. It's just me and you but that is false. Two times two can only be four. What are you doing Montag?"

A wide-eyed look of fear was written all over his face as he looked around for what to do next. The voice seemed to know he was doing something he shouldn't be.

"Are you feeling ok?" The voice almost seemed concerned for the panicked man's well being. He hopped up from his seated position and tucks the book back to its original hiding place, storming out of the room in haste with the voice questioning where he was going already in the background as he set out to his destination.

He approached the train station and ventured to the stop entrance where he placed in his finger in order to be properly identified and was allowed passage to catch his train.

"I don't think that old woman killed herself. I think they staged it. It's all fake. They didn't even bother to sync her lips this time, you saw that shit right? Yeah, they definitely murdered her." The man in glasses badgers away as Abhimani tries to focus on the tinkering task between her fingers. He was definitely annoying her.

"Why do you keep going on about it?" The man looks pensively at her as though he was wondering what made her say something that insensitive.

"Hey, you good?" She ignored him completely.

"Mani you know what we're working on. We need someone with your connections so you tell me when you're ready to come back to us."

At this point the two were locked in deep eye lock, staring each other down before Mani looked back down to continue her task then gathered her things to leave the shanty-like bar.

I am not tryna to get mixed in with none of their revolutionary drama. I have my own mission.

Bag secured on her back with both straps, she set her trek for home.

As she walked further, she heard her Goddess' voice.

"Pace yourself, child, and do not fear."

Wait, what?

She got deeper into her journey home when she felt a presence. Like she was being followed.

She cut through the power plant to see if that person would persist and went in between some trailers. Turning around abruptly and unsheathing her boxcutter, Mani confronted her stalker.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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