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I am singer, or at least I like to believe so. I sing for music club in my school. I love silence though. It's weird isn't it? But I love to drown in those short moments of silence, when there is no one around me. Only me and ticking clock... Perhaps rain hitting against windowsill? When I come to school in the morning it so far from this state. a lot of people greeting each other, telling stories of previous days... Just enjoying presence of their friends. I love it too... But that guy always hiding in throng of movement and sounds, writing something in this notebook of him. just sitting there all alone pretending that he don't exist. Everyone got someone like this in their class. I always wondered what are they enjoying in life. I couldn't find it which pissed me off every time I've looked at him. But that day he wasn't able to get out of people's eyes. Those followed him since only he opened doors of class. Boy pretended he don't see how people are staring at him. Humans are curious creatures and white eye patch on his face taunted this curiosity. No one decided to ask him what happened though. They knew he won't answer. He never did, whoever asked him about anything he was just answering with half-words. But finally i decided to try asking.


- What happened in your eye? - And here she goes. Well I assumed this is going to happen. Voice of girl in front of me was loud and energetic. Her short red hair was falling on brown eyes because of her inclined position. Those big eyes were looking at me with interest. She was waiting at answer, however I could not tell her truth. Hmm... What was her name again?
- I... Just accident in work. I got with shattered glass while working. - Well it wasn't lie... At least she will leave me alone now - Big brown eyes closed a bit making sad grimace
- Oh... I'm sorry. How it happened? - Darn! I haven't expected her to ask for details!
- Oh... This... I was cleaning tableware when... When one of my co workers shattered few wine glasses. I went to help them clean up but I've stumbled and fallen on foot of one wine glass...
- Oh! Sounds painful. Sorry to hear this... Be more careful next time
- I've giggled nervously. - He he... I guess. If I won't I'll be blind hah...
- And what are you always writing?
- Hmm? Just notes from le- Girl cut my sentence in half.
- I won't believe it! Your grades are way too low for a guy that do notes all break! - My face has turned totally red.
- Ehh... I am... - And then some girl called for her.
- Ryu! Come here for a second! Your club is asking for you! - In doors of class was staying three girls. My saviors. So her name was Ryu... I'll make sure to get her surname too, I have feeling I'll need it.


- Have you finished writing new song already? - Hikari definitely was irritated by my laziness. I've just looked away and answered.
- I am at final straight! Tomorrow I will bring it. I promise!
- Ryu... You should have bring it week ago...
- Two - Added as always smiling from ear to ear Yaffi and her small blue eyes were shining with passive aggression under her as always uncombed hairs in the color of eyes. Yaffi definitely was the scariest one. Instead of yelling she just attack passively. Even if she got so honest smile her aura feels like she's about to kill you.
- Okay, okay! I'll bring it tomorrow... Gimme a break.
- I hold you by word. You wouldn't lie to me, would you? - Blue hired monster was looking at me with smile.
- Of course not, he he... - I've patted her head and she seemed unnaturally happy because of that. Then they went back to their classes. After this bell for lessons ringed echoing in the hallways of school. I hoped to talk with Izumi more. I wanted to know what he's writing all breaks since the very beginning of this year. After lessons I wanted to go to library. It's quiet there. Only sound of pages being turned over. Good place to focus. I like coming there from time to time. However fate was not on my side. Library was off for some book conversation or something. I has to go to the public library. An retro designed library has dark wooden walls. Everywhere smell of old book. Somewhere between shelves of books I've noticed gloomy looking guy with black hairs and white medic eye patch. His second eye was narrow and got black bags under them, with deep blue pupil. It was Izumi, He put some book back to shelve after that he sat and began to write something in his notebook. I came him from back and covered his patched eye with my hand.
- Guess who's there? - I asked but Izumi never answered. We were staying in such position for a while, finally I've looked as his all red face. He was sweating, and I've noticed small tear in his eye.
- Oh, sorry. Does it hurt? If i touch your eye? - I didn't give it a thought.
- N-no... You just surprised me. - Those words gave me relief.
- O-oh... Sorry
- It's fine. - I've smiled. This gloomy guy actually seemed to be nice. And his aura was warm and friendly.
- There is place like this here... Huh? Quite nice atmosphere. Often coming here?
- Everyday... - He said and came back to writing.
- So... What are you writing? - Finally have asked.
- Huh? Now I'm doing homework.
- Oh... Let's do it together then! - And so we did. Hours were passing. That one homework was really hard. Sun was about to hide behind city scape when we were done with it.
- Oof... It was rough. - I flexed on chair straighting my back and hands.
- It sure was. - Izumi has closed his eye and smiled a little to me. It made me happy. I felt that my presence was not burden to him.
- Mrs. Amano, can I ask you something?
- Hmm? What is it? Also don't call me "Mrs. Amano" Ryu is just fine.
- Why did you come here? I never saw you here before. - In that second time stopped. My heart together with it.

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