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The coldest days of the year were past. Even throughout winter, the gardeners diligently tended and maintained, and little by little their labors were bursting into life.

      A shopkeeper had been called for dress fittings for the wedding day, and the young lady returned to her room after having herself measured until sundown. When she opened the door, light like setting sun spilled from her room, which was actually dark as it was supposed to be.


      Curled on top of her made bed, it slowly raised its face. Easily an armful, it was a beautiful red bird. When it recognized her, it broke into loud song and changed into an envelope.


      Addressed simply to Louise, it was heavier than it looked. The letters of her name were written with steady characters, squared like a those of a textbook. With a shaking hand, she took out a paper knife and carefully broke the seal.

Dear Miss Louise,

      I expect it is no smiling matter to the person who writes a letter and receives none in return. I had wanted to avoid that and sincerely apologize for my late reply.

      Thank you for the letter and delicious bonbon. When I was in the orphanage, when I joined the academy, and even when I was appointed to my post, sweets made my stomach swell so I have always disliked them. Picture, then, the strange image I presented when I hoarded these to myself.

      I have no family. Passed from distant relative to distant relative, I was placed in an orphanage, and I grew up in the dorms of the academy. It is quite mysterious, this feeling. To imagine, once my service is over and I leave, what awaits me is a home. To dream, once I arrive, that even I have a family at last.

      As the first to become my family, I wonder what sort of woman you are? It gives me great pleasure to imagine our meeting.

      Now then, I think you discovered the color of my eyes when you received this letter. My hair is the same color, so the chances of you mistaking another for me should be low.

      Along the same lines, I have enclosed something which I only hope you will humor me by wearing. It is by no means expensive, but I tried to choose something as close to the color of your eyes as possible.

      If you wear it, neither will I mistake another for you, and I can embrace you in my arms from the beginning.
I look forward to the day we meet.

Yours truly

      She pondered the letter again and again.

      He looked forward to meeting, to becoming family. Who could ever describe how sharing these feelings could bring about such happiness?

      There was another parcel that had been included with the letter. Wrapped in fancy paper quite different from the envelope and the stationery, it was heavy and when she picked it up it jangled lightly. When she opened it, a necklace with a gold chain and earrings slipped into her palm.


      No one could find fault with her unrestrained smile and cry of joy.



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