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Ren was never one for attention.

He didn't crave the spotlight. In fact, he was scared of it, absolutely petrified. He despised attention with all his heart.

So make no mistake, when he walked into the Detective Agency, he meant business. He felt shakey on his legs at the questioning gaze of the tall blond man. He showed his wedding ring, begging Fukuzawa to have told his subordinates about him.

"F-Fuku..." Was all he could manage but the blond man stood and began walking to him.

Three strides was all it took.

The man stood right in front of his trembling self.

"Fuku..." Ren pointed towards the door with the blue curtain, his hand trembling.

"Do you mean Fukuzawa?" The man's voice was too stern- too scary-, Ren couldn't bring himself to look up, but he did nod.

"Kunikida, that's Ren, my husband." Ren almost melted at the sound of Fukuzawa's voice, soft and gentle, knowing firmness would only serve to scare him.

"Husband? President, he looks half your age!" A strange detective-looking boy exclaimed.
"His ability is shapeshifting, it keeps him looking very young." Fukuzawa replied, holding his hand out.

Ren grasped it, gripping tightly as if Fukuzawa would leave any second.

His face hits Fukuzawa's strong chest. He gasps, a raspy sound like his vocal chords couldn't connect.

Fukuzawa's large hands pet his hair slowly, a sweet calming gesture, if he weren't in front of so many people.

"Fuku..." His voice quivered. The president ushered him into his back room.
"Kunikida, please could you brew some tea, Honey and lemon is his favourite." Ren barely heard Fukuzawa, it felt like he was miles away, he hated that feeling. He's pretty sure Kunikida said something in return but the sound dodges his ears.

"My dear..." Fukuzawa's hands, calloused as they may be, were gentle and warm against him, doing their best to calm him down. Deft traveller's in the mysterious forest which was his panic. Each turn could be a dead end but nonetheless, they continued, the destination was more important then the journey, the treasure they sought was Ren's calm mind.

His breath slowly returned to a normal pace, letting the travellers roam with few obstacles. Ren pressed his sweaty forehead against Fukuzawa's Yukata, he doesn't seem to mind the fact he'll have to wash his Yukata, he does it bi-daily after all.

Fukuzawa hummed very softly, a deep throaty sound that could curb even the most feral of beasts.

He muttered something- Well, Fukuzawa wouldn't mutter anything, he was always clear and concise, but it wasn't meant for Ren's ears, so he didn't bother to listen. His deft hands brought a cup to his lips, waiting for pink flesh to latch onto green clay before tilting it to soothe his throat.

Honey and lemon.

How thoughtful.

He ought to thank him.

"Fuku..." He pulled gently on the Yukata, trying desperately to convey his gratitude, after all, he couldn't state it outright. Deep inside, he knew Fukuzawa would never lay a hand on him, or even let a hand be laid on him, but the fear of speech was much stronger then that.

"You're welcome, my dear." Fukuzawa's voice was deep and scratchy, a product of old age Ren supposed. He would never quite grasp that concept when his ability kept him so young, strong abilities always had a downside after all.

Sure, Ren could turn into a ten foot dragon, but he aged slower then anyone else- some people would think of that as a blessing rather then a curse- Ren couldn't bear the thought of not ageing with Fukuzawa. So many down sides.

But for now, he'd cherish every moment with Fukuzawa. Every soft gaze, every gentle touch, every word directed to him. Ren couldn't be happier with Fukuzawa. He loved Fukuzawa with all of his heart.

Feeling satisfied with getting his gratitude across, Ren let his head rest against Fukuzawa's chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

He was so glad Fukuzawa was safe. He wasn't responding to his messages after the fog lifted. Fighting his own ability was downright terrifying. In the end, he used Fukuzawa's own tactics and told the ability that if he turned into a kitten, Fukuzawa would be incredibly happy- after all, he had a soft spot for cute things.

He could barely begin to imagine what fighting Fukuzawa would be like.

Another one of those soft but ever powerful hums sounded in his ears, it seemed to send his eyelids rushing downwards. For a moment, Ren felt like he couldn't open his eyes again.

He wasn't scared, of course.

Fukuzawa knew him like the back of his hand. He knew all his ins and outs and just what to do in any situation. Memory had always been a great attribute of Fukuzawa's. The low hums and ever gentle hands on his back.

He'd trust Fukuzawa with everything he could give.

He really did try to stay awake, but the deft travellers that he was sure could only exist in dreams soon sent him to sleep.

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