The text...

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"Oh would you stop stressing, it's just a stupid text!" Pidge chimed from her seat on the floor.

Lance was currently sprawled our on the couch fretting over a text that he hasn't even sent yet.

Alright sure, it's stupid, but who could blame him? That barista was too cute for his weak heart!

"Buddy, if you keep worrying about it, then you'll make it harder to send the message."

Lance groaned and threw his arm over his face.

"I knoooowwww but you guys didn't see him! No one should be able to pull off a mullet, but heck, he sure did."

Pidge made a gagging noise and continued to tap away on her computer.

She was currently working on her physics homework and waiting for the dinner Hunk was making for both of them.

"You're not helping, Pidgeon!"

He sat up quickly, "I can't make it sound too eager because I don't want him to think I'm a creep, but I also don't want him to think i'm not interested!"

He dramatically flopped back down onto the couch letting an "omphf!" of air escape his lungs.

"Lance, you what? Met him once?"

He groaned in response.

"Yeah and I couldn't function!"

He remembered his flushed state and rolled so his face was in the cushions.

"Alright well it's not like he's going to judge you for one simple text, right?"

Darn Hunk and his reasonable logic Lance thought to himself.

His response was mumbled in the couch.

"Fine, FINE! I'll text him already."

He sat up and clutched his phone in his hands.

The boy's contact name read Mullet and the texting box was empty, so Lance put his hands to work.

He sent the text and set down his phone as Hunk went to shut off the beeping oven.

"Alright, text— sent."

Pidge grumbled, "Thank the lords."

He playfully shoved her.

"So Hunk, what did you cook for us tonight?"

He set the plates on the counter. "Oh you know, just your favorite."

Lance shrieked as he saw the garlic knots, nearly knocking over Pidge in the process.

The loud voices of their banter drained out the vibrating response on Lance's phone, soon to be discover later that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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