10. Farthest From The Line

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'Wha... ugh... get away...' I said in a stupor, not able to make sense of my surroundings.

My eyes slowly opened. A needle was sticking out of my arm; a woman in plain, clean, grey clothing had injected me with something. She had white streaks in her hair, and was kneeling down next to me on the metal floor. When she saw that I was awake, she withdrew the needle, got back up and walked away.

'Wait, who are you?' I said, but the woman ignored me.

She knelt down next to an unconscious man who was lying next to me; the room was filled with them. She injected him with the same needle she used on me, and he came to almost immediately, looking at his surroundings with confusion. She stood back up and attended another.

I sat up and saw that a number of men had already been awoken and were standing in rows. Our regular clothes were gone, and instead we all wore the same grey jumpsuit. There was a small green square underneath our feet, big enough for us to stand on.

The room was a large square, with one large door in front of the group. A catwalk, too high to reach, surrounded the room, and fully armoured female guards were patrolling and keeping watch over us. More were on the ground floor as well, their faces concealed by helmets.

 More were on the ground floor as well, their faces concealed by helmets

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Only one soldier didn't wear a helmet. She stood at the front of the room and examined us with a curled lip, a furrowed brow and her arms crossed behind her back. She was the fattest woman I had ever seen. She had a bulbous nose, crooked teeth, and a nasty smirk, one of complete contempt for us. We disgusted her.

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