CH0MP! SLURP!! Crunch!!! (Chapter 12)

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As we trek up the mountain I tell Roo, "So Roo, think you can- Oh." Roo is eating a bush and Winty is frantically trying to stop him as he devours it. I yell, "RROOO! GET OVER HEREEEE AND LISTEN TO WINTYYYY!" Then I realize something and whisper it into Minty's ear. She sighs and says, "I just KNEW this would happen! The chocolate here is pretty irresistible to candy lovers, y'know?" I nod and reply, "I had a cousin named Fred Jello UnicornPoop who ate so much candy and died of Candytopiaza,  a common disease for candy-lovers. Anyway, on the count of three, PULL!" 

Winty and I yell... "ONE! TWO THRRREEEE!" We start pulling his duck legs. "Wow, they are so rubbery!" I say to Minty. She nods as we pull as hard as we can. "True! If only they weren't so BIG we could pull him out. Roo whines childishly, "Ya'll are gonna break my legs off!" I hiss to Roo, "Well... If ONLY you COULD'VE waited to eat after. Stop complaining! You got in trouble yourself anyway." He falls silent at this and a while later he pops out of the bush. "There's a BIG hole where you stuck your head into the chobush!" Winty remarks. Roo says with a scowl, "I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW!!!" She says sympathetically, "I know, those bushes SEEM soft and Chocolicious on the outside, but they are literally chocolate covered bushes with many layers of chocolate with sharp thorns." He nods and says again, "I know." 

I say with a grin at Roo's foolishness, "Well, don't stick your head into another candy bush until we get off this thing. Let's get going now!" 

Of course, we run into trouble again. Minty halts and we do too. Roo remarks with a giggle, "Heh Heh! It's like we're playin' a game of Copycat! Exxxccceeeepppptttt... no cats!" Minty and I nod in agreement and she says, " 'Kay, this is what I was gonna tell you before ROO so RUDELY INTERRUPTED... so, this candy-ish grass is FULL of SSSSSSLIDEY, SLURPY SNAKES!" We both gasp and Roo backs away from the  jello and green-gummy-worm grass. "A-are the s-snakes going to bite me now?!" Winty shakes her head and says, "They like to wait 'til you're IN the grass, doofus. Oh, see! That's one right there!" We look at the grass and sure enough, there waits a green, long and winding snake prowling viciously in the grass and slithering so quietly you can't even hear it! Roo groans and says, "I absolutely HATE snakes!" I give him an icy stare and whisper, "Do you WANT me to shove you into another bush?!" He quickly stops talking and I say, "That'S what I thought, Roo."

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