Chapter Thirteen

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Hello! I am  back from camp :D

This chapter is literally fresh out of the oven (I mean my word doc) and I haven't checked for errors or coherency and stuff heheh I am praying it's fine and all.

And...everything else I'll say at the end of this because...idk just yeah. i'm stupid rambling o.o



“Harry?” A soft voice whispered into his ear, and someone’s hand was pushing away (or rather, playing with) the hair covering his face. Soft morning sunlight filtered through the closed curtains into the room, and it was barely bright enough to wake anyone up.

“It’s late, Hazza, wake up, we said we’d go out for lunch with Zayn today, remember?” The voice was insistent, refusing to shut up, and in the back of his mind Harry knew it was Louis, because no one else would bug him so early in the morning and no one else would get away with touching his hair like that.

Reaching out blindly, Harry felt his hand connect with something hard. More specifically, Louis’ face. “Go away…s’not even lunch time yet…” He mumbled, turning and burying his head in the pillow.

“Aw, come on, don’t be such a sleepyhead, pleaseee,” Louis whined, and Harry felt the older boy’s breath ghosting over his cheek. “Harry?” He whispered, and then Louis’ entire weight was on his body, and a soft oof escaped from his lips.

“Get off,” he muttered, hands pushing uselessly against Louis’ body. “No. Today’s important, remember?” Louis replied, sighing and running a hand through messy, sleep-ruffled strands of hair.

“Nothing’s more important than sleep…” Harry said, speaking faster than anyone would’ve thought possible, just to get the words out of his mouth.

“Not even me?” Louis asked hopefully, changing tactics and tracing patterns all over Harry’s bare torso, secretly savouring the feeling of smooth skin under fingers. “This is me we’re talking about, your lovely boyfriend!”

“Oh fine, okay! Stop it!” A brown mess of curls suddenly sat up, off the bed, and a pillow went flying towards Louis’ head, smacking into it and landing on the floor.

“Nothing’s more important than you, okay, happy?” Harry grinned sleepily, reaching out to grab Louis’ hand and pulling them together.

“Morning,” he whispered, leaning forward and closing the gap between their lips.


Zayn woke up to an intense brightness behind his eyelids, and inwardly, he cursed and whoever had the sense (or lack of) to turn on the lights in the room when he was still asleep.

It was only after about twenty seconds that his brain started processing things. Logically, no one would be that stupid to turn on the lights in the room. Come on, it was like, what, morning? The sun existed for a reason. And why was there the sound of people busy in the kitchen and the smell of cooked food in the air? Harry and Louis wouldn’t ever do that. Not on a weekday morning anyway.

Opening his eyes, he instantly realized the sun was too bright for it to be 7 in the morning. And reaching for the alarm clock to read the time only confirmed his suspicions, it was already 10.30.

Getting himself out of bed faster than he ever thought would be humanly possible, Zayn threw the door open and practically flew into the living room where Louis was walking out of the kitchen with a glass of water.

“Hi Zayn,” he greeted, taking a seat on the sofa. “Come sit down,” he patted the seat beside him, and it was all the dark haired boy could do to close his mouth and stop gaping at his friend.

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