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Skyla P.O.V.

My mom, katie blain. since I was born has been the only parent in my life.
She has taught me how to hunt how to shift and taught me about mates, love and the moon goddess and so much more.

In my opinion I don't know if I can be with my mate because I'm different. I have two inner wolves named Rosa and Nicoletta.

Rosa and Nicoletta both have different wolf shapes and colors. Nicoletta is white like the full moon and Rosa is black as black as the night sky. So when I shift I must chose one at least that is what my mother said.

My mom gets all her information from the moon goddess who said that if I shift with both Nicoletta and Rosa at the same time something will happen but no one knows what. except her,the moon goddess. so my mom tells me not to. My mom is the only known being that can speak to the moon goddess I think it's because her wolf is as white as the full moon And as history tells me the moon goddess originated from the full moon.

Any way, enough about me.

I woke up to the sound of pained howling in the distance like someone was in agony I assumed it was a rouge in the distance.
it's about 2:24 in the morning.
Just as I was about to ignore it and go back to sleep I heard another howl but this time the howl was filled with pain and sorrow and it was from the room right next to mine. My mom's.

I got out of bed quickly. tripping on my bed sheets because I wasn't paying attention. the only thing on my mind right now is my mom. I ran out of my room as fast as I could to my mom's room.

I went into my mom's room listening for any danger but there was none. My eyes scanned the room looking for my mom once my eyes found her I screamed in horror. My mom, my everything was lying on her bed with a silver dagger forcefully plunged into her heart my mom's hand was still slightly hanging onto the dagger. Right then I knew my mom had killed her self, my mom had committed suicide.
on my 18th birthday after hearing the howl I herd from my room,

I went up to my mom pulled the dagger out than took her clothes off. I stopped the bleeding from her wound then stitched it.
I walked to my mom's closet and got her favorite dress witch was a red and white sundress with a rose print. I put it on her. I then went down stairs and out the back door.

outside I grabbed a shovel and some rope from the old rickity shed and went to my mom's and I's favorite place. A clearing with hundreds of wild flowers.

I tossed the rope off to my side on the ground than started digging until I thought the hole was big and deep enough to fit my mom.

I then went back home and grabbed some protective gloves and went back outside and into the forest and went to where the wolfsbone grew and picked one from the base of the root and walked back to where I dug the hole I put down the wolfsbone and took off my gloves then went back to the house to get my mom.

I picked up my mom gently and carried her bridal style out to our favorite place then placed her into her grave then stared to cry as i layed her in the flowers, picked up and pulled on my gloves than grabbed the rope i tossed on the ground and tied one end of the rope to my moms ankle and the other end to the wolfsbone stem. i make sure the end of the rope with the wolfsbone in out of the grave than i gently placed my mom in the hole and continue to cry and i bury her until i cant see her beautifel motherly features any more. once my mom was compleatly buried i re-planted the wolfsbone flower on top in the center of my mom's grave this will stop her from shifting in death so humans won't think we werewolves actually exist.

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