Finding Yourself

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There's a time in everyone's life when they question who they are and who they want to become. For some finding out who they are is easy. For others not so much. Its such an essential part of life that is never really discussed among peers. People talk about what they want to do for a living and their plans for the future. But what about what they are doing right now. High school and college are supposed to be the greatest time in a person's life. But people struggling to find themselves or struggling to connect where now them and future them meet, can become depressed or anxious. Anxious about not being the same as others or what they future has in store for them. Depressed because they can't figure any of that out or who they are not is not who they want to be. They might have taken the wrong turn and are struggling to find their way back to the "real them." They only people they called friends were the ones who led them astray and the journey to getting back to normal might leave them helplessly alone. The thought of leaving the life that had become their "normal" and the people who came with them might be so terrifying they stop dead in their tracks. Or maybe that road is a new chapter on growing. And the people who "led them astray" are leading them down a path of new experiences and growth. We might be struggling to find who we are and what we want, but we can't stay in our protective bubbles forever. Learning who you are starts with doing things that you don't normally do or doing things that scare you. Because is reality that is what growing up is all about. Its okay to not have all the answers. The answers will appear when you need them. Just be a kid and enjoy what life throws at you.

I've been struggling with the thought that I don't think my life is real. And then I came to the conclusion that the only reason I was feeling this way was because I lost myself getting caught up in everything I was doing. But today I wrote this and it was just what I needed to read/write/hear. And I didn't need anyone else telling me it either. All my willingness to overcome things does not start with other people it starts with myself. I am okay with who I am because I know it is only temporary and I am only being a teenager. That is completely fine with me. 

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