New Little Girl

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Allison's P.O.V (point of view)
NO!!It's 8:30 A.M. I'm late for work I needed to be at work by 7:00 like every othe day.
I get dressed in a full black outfit except for my white socks and red convers shoes,since I dont have uniform.
Now to wake my 3 year old daughter up but I need to get her outfit ready first.Just a white shoes and socks.And everything else red.
Now to actually wake her up.
Me:Kassy,wake up,baby.
(Kassy is a short for Kassandra) Kassy:ok.
I knew she is tired.I can tell because of her sleppy voice.
Me:Lets get you ready.
Kassy looked at me with a questionably look.
Me: We are late for daycare.
Once I mentioned "Daycare" she seemed a little bit less tired.
I picked her up and got her dressed.Once we we're ready we headed to my car. I buckled Kassandra in her car sit.
When we got to the daycare ('Dream' is the daycare's name.IDK if its a real place tho)at about 8:45.I got out and open the back sit door and got Kassy out.We walked in thru the front door of the daycare.
Kassandra:Mommy cawn I go pway?(Remamber she is 3 so she can non really talk that good but can sometimes speek go
I know she is not sleepy anymore.Good.
I made my way to one of my best friends Kelly.
Me :Hello Kelly.
Kelly: Hey.We got a new kid today.
Me :Ok Boy or Girl?
I asked as I took a sit in the front desk and turned it on.I quickly logged in.It right away showed up all the kids mames.
I cliked on the add kid botten on the left top corner.And put girl in as gender.
Kelly:Brooklyn Louise Smith.
I typed her name in for the name.
Me:How about age?
Kelly:3 years old.
I typed in her age.I also typed other things such as her parents name's and who else apart from her parents pick her up.
*9:00 A.M*
I saw Kassandra runing to me with a girl around her age.I dont know if its the new girl,Brooklyn.Even tho I work here I don't really know all the kids since there is about 50 kids I only know like 5 and Kassandra,of corce.
Kassy said happily.
I replied as i lower down to about there height.
Kassy:I make a new fwend.
Me:Good.What's Your name cutie?
I said as I faced the little girl my daughter brought to me who I am guessing is Brooklyn because I have never seen her.
Little girl:Brooklyn
I knew it!
Me:Cute name for a cute little girl.
Brooklyn:Twank you
Me:Your welcome
I said as I stended up.
Me:How about you girls go play.

OUR STORY//CHANCE PEREZWhere stories live. Discover now