Chapter 7

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Meanwhile, things weren't looking so good back in Coolsville. 

The gang was all gathered around the TV in the Mystery Machine while driving off somewhere where they'd be safe from all the monsters. 

They were watching the news as the monsters were shown invading the city and attacking the citizens. The Evil Masked figure had ordered for Mystery Inc's capture and would spare the citizens lives. 

The gang all looked to each other, lost in all kinds of emotions as this had become disastrous. Heather was then shown on the TV, reporting what's been happening. 

"I beg you, Mystery Inc. If you can hear me, turn yourselves in" She begged them while on camera. "Please. For our city's sake"

Suddenly, a crash was heard as the cameras turned to see the Black Knight Ghost had invaded the studio. 

"Sorry. You're cancelled" The Black Knight Ghost taunted and then the screen went black. 

The gang was in shock as they watched in complete silence. The kids were pretty scared. 

Walter never thought things would've gotten this bad for him, his friends and family. 

He then turned to Fred. "What should we do?..." 

"We can't turn ourselves in" Fred began. "If we do, he'll get the control panel back" 

"And the city will be in worse shape" Teeders added.  

"We'd be playing right into his hands" Daphne said.  

Fred then sighed, becoming distant from the others, knowing this was a very difficult decision.

The gang soon arrived at the place Velma was talking about which was in the woods over by a small lake. 

"Never been here before" David said as he got out of the van, looking around. 

"The old high-school clubhouse" Velma informed while getting out of the van. 

"Oh yeah, I remember this place now" Kali smiled, remembering her dad had showed her this place when she was much younger. 

"We should be safe here" Velma said. 

"Talk about your fixer-upper" Jacob mumbled, seeing how old and worn down the Mystery gang's clubhouse looked. 

"We haven't been here in years" Daphne told him.  

The gang headed up inside the tree-house while Shaggy and Scooby waited outside. 

"You know, Scoob, this Evil Masked Figure is turning Coolsville into Ghoulsville. And the gang is totally taking a hit for it" Shaggy sulked. 

"Reah" The cowardly great dane frowned. 

"Like, this is the most "our-faultiest" screwup ever, Scoob" Shaggy then said.  

The adventure kids frowned to the cowardly duo and decided to wait with them while the others were up in the tree-house. 

Velma came over to a switch and a light came on. 

"Still works" She smiled. 

"Wow," Jane had a look around at the gang's old clubhouse, smiling from all the memories. "This place hasn't changed a bit"

"Wow, Mom. You guys sure have a cool place" Jacob commented. "Or, had..." 

Velma then found something and soon smiled. "Look, all my old tools"

Walter sighed happily as he looked around the gang's old clubhouse. "It's been so long"

"After all our so-called success, we're back in this old firetrap" Fred groaned. 

The Adventure Kids and Scooby Doo in Monsters UnleashedWhere stories live. Discover now