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Okay, so this is not karamel, I'm sorry. It's something I wrote for school, but I had to translate it and make it a little more detailed, since it's very short cuz we had a 20 line limit. However, I feel like it's an important message, and you should read it... I suggest you read the first part and reflect to yourself, then read the second part, which is my message. I hope you like it.

     He walked hurriedly, without noticing the landscape. Without feeling the scent of the nature there inserted, without paying attention to the symphony of sounds coming from the city. None of that was anything, other than a scenery, aimed at his story. Little did it matter the surroundings to him, anyway.
     The man had spent his childhood with everything that could be provided to him. His house resembled a palace, his clothes were always the noblest. They say that one can't ever have it all. In Marcus's case, maybe the factor missing had been love and compassion during his development.
     He grew up, and soon became bitter. He was raised believing that he should give relevance only to himself, and to his success. He lost contact with his parents, not that they had showed themselves present in any moment. There was, nonetheless, one person with whom he demonstrated affection: his sister, Lettie. Sadly, life's paths pushed him away from her as well, since his ambition put his exit above everything and everyone.
Before he could reach his place of occupation, he received a call, that awakened him to change directions quickly. He took the first flight and rushed himself to get to his destination. He could feel the droplets of sweat forming and slowly streaming down his face and neck. His heart rate had accelerated considerably, and he felt a sudden need of air. He trembled, while walking unsteadily through the white corridors, observing the blue curtains and chaos of movement until he reached the indicated room.
It was too late. Lettie, once joyful and smiley, was found pale and cold. Her golden hair had lost its shine. Marcus collapsed to the ground, remembering all the times that he had lost the opportunity to be present, realizing how his course until then had been like that of his parents. He curled himself into a ball, withering, incapable of showing any emotions but the uninterrupted tears of guilt.


     Everyone gets educated during life, regardless of how. Education is not supposed to be perfect, and it won't be. When you're educated, you're supposed to teach and learn, to share and absorb experiences, whether it be for the best or for the worst.
     Sometimes, when your education lacked some important values, you can be lead to the wrong path. When that happens, one thing is sure: throughout life, you will hear a call. But you're not going to listen to it.
The call, name it after whatever you believe in, will tell you that what you're doing is wrong. That you should make an effort to change paths. It will try to change your direction. Yet, you won't bother listening to it. You'll bury it deep inside your emotions and stifle it among your thoughts.
And then you're going to hear it again. And again. And again. And if you're stubborn, you'll ignore all the calls once more. When you finally decide to listen to them, it might be too late.
     If you're reading this, take action. Start smiling more, happiness is contagious, so if you beam it, you are surely going to make more people happy. Help others when they need, it won't hurt you. Use your voice to speak soft, comforting words, not rude ones. Be happy, enjoy your life, before it's too late.

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