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Awakening of my eyes, a bright surroundings greeted my gaze. I saw Murry busy in the kitchen when I came downstairs That was the first time he cooked. I know he made an effort for that and he serves the burnt pancake. I know he was disappointed with the result of his cooking. The hot water loosens my strained muscles, how long have I been in there? I hurry and wash my hair and body, lazily running a razor over my legs to remove the small stubble that has appeared over the weekend.

As I wrap the towel around my wet body. I began to dress up to enter the shop. I knew Monica was waiting for me to go for work. My phone beeps, I received a message from Jasper and a picture he took today. I smiled. When I got to the shop I caught Jasper cleaning. I give him an equally bright smile.

Monica just had arrived into the shop. I took the papers for the inventory. And took a note there.

'' So how's Florida so far? I know Alex would be so very happy to see you Jasper. '' She began.

'' You're right. But dad says he's still taking care of something and he can't leave Florida. '' Jasper replied and, arranged the things in the shop.

''What else is new? That's why I feel sorry for Margaret (Jasper's mom) because she died so early when the incident that happened to your dad. Fortunately, he is much better now and his drug addiction abolished.'' She say. ''By the way, both of you should help me with in the National Pet show next week. You'll be assisting the participants. You should give flyers to advertise it.''

''Sure,'' Jasper commented.

Jasper and I handed out flyers outside before lunch. To each person passing by we give out a piece of paper with a picture of the pets, saying to attend the National Pet Show. There were ticket that has been already sold according to Monica. I haven't seen a pet show yet.

Jasper turned off the engine, and pulled the car over. I wear a hat, and my hair is hid, pulled my hair into a bun over my cap. I get off the car after he gets the door open for me. We wear blue polo shirt which has embroidered of 'National Pets Day.'

It looks like a small stadium when we got there. A lots of participants and cheer on the crowd. I am in the standby area, where Monica gave us designated tasks. Jasper stamps every participants who register their names while I also assigned for the distribution of snacks.

Jasper phone rings, and he answers it. I distribute the snacks to the participants. He ended up the call, as he handed me a drink. The Pet show started. We just stood there while assisting the girl who will going to be next in the show. She's with a Pomeranian.

''Who was that?'' I asked.

''Nuh, it's Riggs. They have a boys night out tomorrow, and coach was the one who set it. And I am too ashamed to refuse.'' He reply giving me a glance. ''He just thrilled about what's going to happen in our team and the school's idea for the football's expansion.''

I give him a nod.

I get off the car after we just arrived home. Jasper calls me.

''We're okay right? And nothing should bothers you. I'll get you updated. Well, there are girls but I totally close my eyes and announced that I have a girlfriend. And Oliver knows me.''

He stepped closer. Then he held both my arms as he looked at me. I gently nod before getting back to the house.

''How's the pet show? Did you have fun?'' Catherine asked.

''I feel knackered, and do you think I should let Jasper go in boys night out?''

''You know there are some cases that you should allow both of yourselves to discover something's without depending on each other. Because you won't grow.'' She say delightedly.

HER HERO: Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now