Cry Baby

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You seem to replace
Your brain with your heart
You take things so hard
And then you fall apart

You try to explain
But before you can start
Those cry baby tears
Come out of the dark

Someone's turning the handle
To that faucet in your eyes
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see

Your heart's too big for your body
It's why you won't fit inside
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see

They call you cry baby, cry baby
But you don't fucking care
Cry baby, cry baby
So you laugh through your tears

Cry baby, cry baby
'Cause you don't fucking care
Tears fall to the ground
You just let them drop
You just let them drop
Cry baby, cry baby

You're all on your own and
You lost all your friends
You told yourself that
It's not you, it's them

You're one of a kind
And no one understands
But those cry baby tears
Keep coming back again

Someone's turning the handle
To that faucet in your eyes
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see

Your heart's too big for your body
It's where your feelings hide
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see

They call you cry baby, cry baby
But you don't fucking care
Cry baby, cry baby
So you laugh through your tears

Cry baby, cry baby
'Cause you don't fucking care
Tears fall to the ground
You just let them drop

Cry baby, cry baby
You just let them drop
Cry baby, cry baby
You just let them drop

I look at you and I see myself
And I know you better
Than anyone else

And I have the same faucet in my eyes
So your tears are mine

They call me cry baby, cry baby
But I don't fucking care
Cry baby, cry baby
How I laugh through my tears

Cry baby, cry baby
'Cause I don't fucking care
Tears fall to the ground
I just let them drop
Cry baby, cry baby
I just let them drop
Cry baby, cry baby
You just let them drop
They call you cry baby, cry baby
I just let them drop
Cry baby, cry baby
You just let them drop

Traduzione in Italiano:
Sembri rimpiazzare 
You seem to replace 

Il tuo cervello con il tuo cuore 
Your brain with your heart 

Prendi le cose così forte 
You take things so hard 

E poi cadi a pezzi
And then you fall apart

Cerchi di spiegare 
You try to explain 

Ma prima di poter iniziare 
But before you can start 

Quelli piangono lacrime 
Those cry baby tears 

Vieni fuori dal buio
Come out of the dark

Qualcuno sta girando la maniglia 
Someone's turning the handle 

A quel rubinetto nei tuoi occhi 
To that faucet in your eyes 

Stanno uscendo 
They're pouring out 

Dove tutti possono vedere
Where everyone can see

Il tuo cuore è troppo grande per il tuo corpo 
Your heart's too big for your body 

È per questo che non ti andrà bene 
It's why you won't fit inside 

Stanno uscendo 
They're pouring out 

Testi delle Canzoni di Melanie MartinezDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora