I like you...

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We get clothes, Shoes, Makeup and Jewelry

We leave and get Chick-Fil-a (idk how to spell it)

We eat there and we start driving back home 🙄

We get home and I take all my things to my room

I put my clothes on a hanger and hang them in my closet

I put my shoes on the floor of my closet and start cleaning my room

Someone knocks

Jabez: Hey babygirl
Jasmine: hey
Jabez: what you doin?
Jasmine: Cleaning
Jabez: it's already clean tho

I furrow my eyebrows and look at him

Jasmine: This is a mess, what are you talking about?
Jabez: Well it's not that messy
Jasmine: still
Jabez: need help?
Jasmine: Nah I'm almost done im good
Jabez: okay. How did it go shopping?
Jasmine: Good
Jabez: that's good

I nod

I finish and sit on my bed

I get my phone and scroll through Instagram

I sigh and put my phone down and turn on the TV


I go downstairs to get a snack but there is almost nothing in the damn fridge

I decide to go to the store to get snacks and groceries since there's none

I ask Robert if he can take me

Jabez: can I come with you?
Jasmine: yeah sure

We leave and go to a grocery store and while I was looking for what type of juice I should get a lady kept looking at me and I was getting annoyed

Lady: Do you know what your looking for?
Jasmine: Juice?

She rolls her eyes

Lady: You're kinda holding up people from getting juice

I look at her and furrow my eyebrows

Jasmine: How I'm not even that close to the juice?
Lady: Still
Jasmine: How the fuck am I holding up people from getting juice if I'm on the other side?

Her eyes widen

Lady: Ur being very disrespectful young lady
Jasmine: My bad

I fake smile and you could tell I was faking it

I go back to looking at the juices and roll my eyes

I pick a juice and put it in the cart

I get a bunch of things

Chips, Cereal, Milk, Soda, Juice, And a bunch of other things

I see there are free apples and Oranges

I'm hungry I'm gonna go get one

Jabez: You want an apple or orange?
Jasmine: yea
Jabez: okay get me one too

I nod

I go get an orange and an apple

I start peeling the orange and start eating it and walk to Jabez

A lady grabs my arm and it's the lady that was giving me problems earlier

Lady: Aren't you gonna pay for that?

I look at her up and down with attitude

I take my arm from her

Jasmine: First of all mind you're fucking business. Second their free so no I'm not gonna fucking pay

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