Chapter 1

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It was an early November morning and birds could be heard chirping loudly outside the window.

I was slowly managing to force myself to get up from my bed. It was a Monday which meant I had school, an hour from now to be precise.

My alarm abruptly went off again, it's beeping loudly echoing throughout my room. "Ahh!" I slapped my hand down on the top of it, turning it off. I must've hit the snooze button instead of turning it off the first time it went off. I sighed, well, that sure woke me up. I pushed my blankets off of my bare body, causing multiple goosebumps to appear on my lightly bronze skin. It was another cold day apparently, but of course that wasn't a surprise since it was becoming winter. This meant snow wasn't that far away.

There was a knock on my bedroom door, "Louis, wake up!" My sister Lottie called.

"I'm up already!" I yelled, groaning.

I could hear her snicker outside the door.

I raked my fingers through my burnt umber colored hair, it was time to get ready for school. Let's just hope my bullies will back off today.


While running out to my bus stop, I could already see everyone getting on. I couldn't be late again today, I mean walking two miles to school wasn't one of my favorite things.

"WAIT!!!!!" I shouted, pumping my legs as fast as I could. I was losing my breath quickly,  causing me to gasp for air. I reached into my pocket, looking for my inhaler. I apparently forgot it at home. Are you kidding me!?

I had to slow down, since I felt like I was drowning.

The bus driver saw me, so he waited.

Thank God for that at least. Now only if he could magically make my lungs work like actual lungs, that'd be nice.

I walked over to the bus, climbing on it.

"Late again I see." My friend Liam said who'd kindly saved the front seat for me.

I sat down beside him, trying to level my breathing. "Yeah, yeah." I mumbled, pressing my face against my large backpack which was designed as a messenger purse.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I forgot... my inhaler.." I said between breaths.

"Crud. Is your mum still at home? Maybe she could drop it off in the office." Liam rubbed my back.

"I don't know..."

Liam pulled his phone out, dialing a number which was most likely my home phone's. After a moment of holding it up to his ear, he began to speak. "Oh, hey Miss Tomlinson!            Yes, well Louis forgot his inhaler it seems and he really needs it so he was wondering if you could drop it off at the front office at school...                  Yes, he is aware he shouldn't have forgotten it.                Okay, here he is. Louis she wants to talk to you."

I took the phone, rolling my eyes. "Hi mum."

"You forgot it again, Louis?" She sounded pretty annoyed.

"Yes, I'm awfully sorry. I was late to catch the bus and I was in a hurry." I explained.

"You're lucky I actually was still home when you called, but yes. I'll drop it off. Love you, Boobear!"

"Love you too, mum.." I mumbled, hoping others wouldn't hear. I quickly hung up and handed Liam his phone back.

"Someone talking to their mummy?" Apparently my hopes weren't fulfilled.

"Back off, Grimshaw." Liam growled.

I was happy Liam would stand up for me, but at the same time it made me look weak.

As if Nick Grimshaw read my mind- again, he replied, "Oh, poor baby Tomlinson can't fight his own fights?"

"If that's all you've got then shut the bloody hell up, Nick." I said, turning to look back at him. Why did Liam always get the seats right by his? That, I'll never know.

"Ooh, finally talking, huh, Tomlinson?"

"Finally coming out of the closet, Grimshaw?" I glared at him. About a year ago, in my sophomore year, there were rumors floating around that Nick was dating a freshman from a different school. Everyone knew he was gay though. It just wasn't that hard. I myself was gay but no one needed to know that.

His cheeks flushed red and I'd known I'd won. He huffed. "Yeah, well, if you're so cocky why don't you meet me after school at four?"

Liam pulled on my arm, telling me to say no.

It's not like I would've said yes anyways. "Why waste a perfectly good afternoon on such scum as yourself? No thanks."  I turned around in my seat, looking over at Liam.

Nick huffed. He started talking to his friends, making his voice loud, and annoying. Like always.


Once we'd made it to school I still felt crappy. Remind me to kill my lungs one day.

Liam and I went our separate ways as he made his way to his Math class and I to the office to get my beautiful inhaler.

The walk down the narrow hallway seemed to take centuries, and by the time I walked into the office the bell rang. Late again. WONDERFUL. I got my inhaler, then sprayed three squirts in my mouth, taking in deep breaths. Now. I need to hurry to my class.

I started walking to my first class which happened to be English. Which happened to be with Nick Grimshaw himself. Why'd he have to be such a douche? Because, for a douche, he had a pretty face.

I made it to my class in probably ten minutes. I hadn't really planned on hurrying, what would the point be?

When I walked in, I saw Nick and I's table in the back. Yeah, yeah. I didn't choose to sit by him. Just happened. In this class though, instead of making fun of me and teasing me, he was quiet, shy, and okay. It was odd. Nick was sitting down, his eyes flickered up to me when I walked in and I forced my head down. I walked over to my desk, ignoring Nick. He was an ass. I wasn't going to talk to him.

"Okay, so class, today we are going to go over a couple simple procedures. We are going to practice our fire drill, then after we will do the lockdown drill. I'm going to assume since you guys are sophomores that you know how to do a normal fire drill. So you guys can talk quietly at your tables while we wait."

Oh joy. I noticed Nick watching me. What the hell? I looked over to him and once I did so he looked away quickly. Well then.

The fire alarm suddenly went off. God. Maybe it would've been better if I was late to school. I wouldn't be risking the chance of having a panic attack- which occurred quite frequently in these drills.

Nick was watching me. "Let's go then, Tomlinson!"

That's when I realized that the classroom was mostly empty besides Nick, the teacher, and I.

The teacher didn't notice either of us though. Woo public education.

I nodded, looking at Nick. I got up, walking to the door with him trailing quickly behind me. "I'm not good with these situations!" I admitted loudly so he'd hear me.

"Good thing it's just a drill then, huh?"

We both made our ways to the side exit that lead out to the field. The fire alarm wasn't quite as loud as it was inside.

Nick grabbed my arm, so I looked back at him. He pointed to a group of people approaching the school. "I don't think they go to this school." He commented.

"So?" I replied.

"So should we tell someone?"

That's when I realized they were adults. "Oh.. Yeah..." my voice was quiet.


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