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The cold droplets of the rain hit my cheeks as I ran. I feel running out of air, like I'm going to pass out at any minute. I ran into the woods, trying not to look back, as the flames engulfed every corner of our house. I readjusted the straps of my bag, trying to make it a bit lighter so I could run faster.

It is done.

I wiped away my tears, I am so scared. What will happen to me now?

My feet feels sore, I could feel bruises forming on my limbs, my hair is a mess and my jeans and shirt got ripped from the long branches of shrubs and sharp tree trunks. I groaned as I tripped on some roots on my way, but I got up and continued running until I could see the road ahead.

Upon reaching the side of the road, I looked left and right to see if there are any cars that could give me a ride until the train station, but when I saw a familiar white Sedan approaching me, I panicked.

"Damn," I muttered a curse and started to run into the forest once again.

My breath came in small spurts, hot and nervous. I curled my fingers into sweaty fists, swinging forward as if it would make me faster. The white Sedan is quickly approaching, I could hear its engine growing nearer and nearer. It followed me inside the forest!

I'm becoming numb as I can't feel the soreness of my feet, or was it because of adrenaline rush?

"Aella, stop!" Someone yelled, but I didn't understand, my full attention was on the rapid beating of my heart and the piercing sound that made my ear ache. I groaned as my body collapsed on the hard roots of big trees.

I tried getting up, but failed. I feel so weak, that my body begged for air.

I felt a presence beside me and lifted me a bit, I tried too see who it was but my eyes didn't try hard enough to adjust in the dark.

"Let me go," I ordered.

"You can't run away. There is no escape," a low baritone voice spoke. I swallowed and tried harder to focus my eyes on the man beside me. His broad shoulders covering me from cold, I could feel his warmth as he held me close.

My eyes widened when I finally saw who it was.

Dressed in coat and tie with a familiar insignia on his left chest. It screams danger and fear to my system, he works for an organization named Cosima! His badge shone under the moonlight and into my eyes, he was one of those men that they sent to hunt me down!

"Why?" I weakly asked, confused, tired, and in pain. He went silent and I felt him fully lifting me up.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You need to get treated," he replied, as if it wasn't obvious enough.

I gritted my teeth, anger slowly taking over my system. I couldn't believe he was an agent of an organization, I should've realized long before, when we first met.

I then remembered why I didn't. He was the exact the opposite of what he is right now. His cheerful chinito eyes, his bright smiles, annoying character, are all long gone and replaced by a cold, serious and scowling character. It was as if that Neo didn't exist, and I still refuse to believe that this Neo in front of me is the same Neo I met 2 years ago.

I was about to give a reply, but then my throat went dry and I felt an overwhelming exhaustion and pain that took my consciousness away.


I woke up and felt the dryness of my throat. The familiar scent of antiseptics lingered in the air, making me feel a bit dizzy. I scanned the room and let my eyes adjust to the light. The first thing that my eye focused on are the words that are engraved beautifully on the wall,

No Escape (One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now