Your POV.
I watch as Aaron my boyfriend of 2 years walks to the front of the class and unfolds a paper that he got out of his pocket which i assume the poem each one of us have to write, and now was Aaron's turn he eyes the class and then glance at me and then at the paper.
"It starts as simple as possible, grows one at a time and it happens to alot of people, its like when a child is made, it starts of as small as a cell and grows and grows until its real, in real life I'm talking about love, and not every one knows the true meaning for love, love isn't finding someone to live with, It's finding someone you cant live without, alot of people focus on the 'I love you' line they think its always true and all thats its the most meaningful line, but none thinks about the 'I love you too' that is not a line every one gets it you see, Trying now to love you is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die, but no one here is dying," he pauses and mostly the entire class lets out a chuckle "and i don't need to try, cause i already do," he glances at me and makes me blush "but the thing that happens alot these days, is that people make mistakes, then they realize how much a person means to them, you have to know by your soul that you love them without risk losing them, you know Boys say," he cuts himself "i know i am one," they let out small laughs "So anyway, Boys say they'll never find their soul mate but thats a lie Cause I've got you, I'm really happy because of that," pauses and glances at me again "i know this is full of poems and all but trust me i wrote this thinking of you, and texting you," they chuckle "For last I'm gonna tell you my favorite love quote, it goes like this 'if i had to choose between breathing or loving you, i would use my last words to say I love you' and i would do that, because my dear, I do love you" the class lets out 'Aww's and some cheers, he comes and takes a seat beside me, hand over my shoulder, "I love you too" .
Magcon Imagines
FanfictionThis is all just imagines. They are fake. Comment what magcon boys you would like me to do imagines of. Include your name too!!